10 Ways to Make Life Lovely - the October Edition

10 Ways to Make Life Lovely - the October Edition


October is well and truly here and we are loving everything that means here at FBrides HQ!

Today, we're gonna be talking sleepy mornings in shirts that say it all, eating comfort food out in the Autumn chill, a bit of Hocus Pocus (YES, the Disney movie, expect GIFs!), maintaining that summer glow with some serious skin hydration, and a super clean, but sweet little recipe to make funk up your fruit!

Excited much? Yeah, me too! Let's get into it...

The mornings are drawing in my dears, and, I don't know about you, but I struggle with the whole morning thing anyway, so when it gets darker... Ohh my gosh, let's just say, 'No coffee, no talkie'.

You wanna know what makes my mornings a little lovelier? A t-shirt that does the talking for you!

Did you wake up with your sassy pants on?! Well girl, sometimes you just have to let the world know!

We heart a little bit of attitude and nothing says it more than a sassy slogan!

What else does ones need to ease those dark mornings? Duh, a doughnut, of course...

So! Apparently doughnuts are the new cupcake, and I for one could not be happier!

Let's just say doughnuts are my jam.

(Awful pun intended)

But seriously, we're not just talking your standard jammy or sugar glaze, things are getting gourmet around here. I'll let the doughnut gods, Crosstown, tempt you with their oh-so-seasonal pumpkin and nutmeg custard doughnut:

This warm wintery flavour consists of a subtle Pumpkin Sourdough ball filled with a smooth Nutmeg Crème Patissiere. To ensure we've got your comfort food cravings covered it's topped with a thick lashing of Cream Cheese Icing and a sprinkle of Orange Zest and Pumpkin Seeds

...I mean, I can't even imagine how good that must be!

If you're in London, Crosstown, Soho is the place to get your fix, otherwise why not hit up Pippin Doughnuts, Swindon for your baked goods!

So. Much. Yum.

Now, if we can still fit into our jeans after all that freshly baked goodness...

We have been LOV-ING ripped denim this summer. Like really, the bigger the rip, the better.

Whelp, ladies, Autumn is no exception! That said, we're changing things up with some raw edge hems, because let's be real here: super holey jeans can get kinda chilly post September!

So grab yourself a pair of fabric scissors, check out this super rad HonestlyWTF DIY and get ripping those hemlines!

This raw hemline trend is everything for me this autumn... Man, my jeans are gonna get it!

Next up, y'all need to get sippin' in style...

It's getting cold guys! We're sip sip sippin' on all sorts of beautiful herbal teas and spiced lattes and right now, we've got a serious thang for motivational mugs.

Now, over here in blogger land, I gotta tell you, this mug is EVERYTHING...

...But seriously, whatever you do for a living and whatever movie you find yourself quoting to cheer yourself up on a Monday, Etsy has some incredible mugs to sit pretty on your desk!

You can always rely on Mean Girls for a perfect quote for every mood! Ha!

Up next, our new skincare addiction...

What a happy little coincidence this was.. I was just browsing away, adding copious amounts of products to my Amazon wishlist when Poppy Austin's skincare popped up on my screen. Oh my gosh, you guys!

This brand is a) about amazing quality (all natural and all organic) and b) they are so on point with their product range.

Our faves?

Argan Oil: a multi-tasking miracle moisturiser, packed full of skin loving Vitamin E, active triterpenoids, and essential fatty acids; Argan oil packs a powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-ageing punch, penetrating deeply into your skin to soften and hydrate, improve elasticity, reverse free radical damage and to plump fine lines and wrinkles by restoring the skin's hydro-lipid layer. And as for using it as a hair serum, don't get me started... Hearts for eyes!

Rhassoul Clay Mask: simply mix with a little water, then glide effortlessly over your face, neck and hair as desired. You'll feel a gentle tightening, as the intense detoxification begins to absorb impurities and harmful substances, cleansing deep into your pores to restore firmness and elasticity. Expect a buttery soft, smooth and toned skin complexion, free from dryness, blemishes, blackheads and blocked pores. Yes, please!

Rosehip Oil: perfect for returning your skin's youthful glow by combating the signs of premature aging; Poppy Austin rose hip oil will directly tackle wrinkles, laughter lines, crows' feet, age spots, brittle nails, hyper-pigmentation, radiation and sun damage. Enjoy plump, fresh, rejuvenated skin. Your complexion and skin tone will radiate with youth as the rosehip oil calms and moisturises. Regular users of rosehip seed oil report a silky bloom-like finish to their skin.If it's good enough for Miranda Kerr...

Rosewater Toner: Provides instant hydration to your face and neck whilst rejuvenating tired skin, helping to create a more vibrant, plump and youthful complexion. Lightweight and versatile, Rose Water will restore your skin's pH balance, absorb excess oils (without causing dryness), calm and soothe inflammation around the eyes, treat pimples and blackheads, and unblock and tighten stubborn pores.

...And that, good friends, is how we intend to keep that summer glow alive all winter long!

Now onto something a little spooky (it is October n' all!)...

We are all for embracing the seasons and the holidays that they bring! And October is all about Halloween!

We're totally besotted with these super cute Halloween printables courtesy of A Beautiful Mess to help you throw a spontaneous, spooky little get together!

We love it!

Now, from candy to al fresco dining, October seems to have a bit of an eating theme, doesn't it?!...

Ok, so I gotta admit, I'm convincing myself as much as you guys with this one, because boy do I feel the cold! BUT October is a stunning month; Mother Nature is doing her thing beautifully, and I can't think of a better way to enjoy it than to eat outside, amidst turning trees and the fallen leaves.

Don your snuggliest coat, cook up a warm comforting one pot, bake a chunky rustic loaf, add a hat and mittens and you're good to go!

Autumn dining, al fresco!

Now, for... Well, more edibles (oops!).

Clearly I was hungry while planning this post!

We love fruit. We love how it tastes, and we love how amazing it is for us.


(Could you sense there was gonna be a but?!)

Unless it's baked into some sorta pie, or crumble, I'm just never that into my fruit in the Autumn. Is that just me or does anyone else suffer with this seasonal fruit disorder?

Enter stage left: the homemade fruit roll up.

Do you remember them? Fruit leathers were the snack to have in your lunch box circa 1999, and they're a super rad way to change up your fruit eating habits this Autumn. Plus, it's a super fun DIY courtesy of HonestlyYUM, those colours are gorge and you're gonna fill your home with the lovely scent of caramelising fruit.

Tick, tick and tick!

Now, there's only one film I'll be watching this month. What can I say, Winnie and I are kindred spirits...

YES! Hocus Pocus.

Guys, I have absolutely no shame in admitting that every October I have this film on repeat for the entire month.

It's nostalgic. It's perfectly seasonal. It's sassy as. And it's SJP.

I challenge you to find a film better suited to this month...

It's wrong how much I love her.

*Ahem* ANYWAY!

Now, for another kind of magic...

Have y'all heard of Makeup Geek? I hadn't until my makeup guru/goddess/idol, Jaclyn Hill, started recommending their shadows on her Youtube channel.

They're an American brand. 'Booo!' I heard you hiss at me, 'They'll end up super expensive', but hear me out ladies...

1. To begin with, these shadows are just $6 a piece (that's just under £4 right now)

2. Order a lot of shadows, or club together with your girl gang for a bulk order, and shipping ain't so bad (first class is just £9)

3. They are the most amazing quality shadows. Gorgeous colours and they blend like. a. dream.

Seriously though, they're totally comparable (if not superior, IMO) to Mac shadows, which retail at £13 a pan... Y'all NEED Makeup Geek in your life.

And no, this praise is in no way sponsored, I'm simply a super fan, talking from experience!

Here are just a few of our favourites for October: from the perfect transition shades of Beaches & Cream and Peach Smoothie, to the stunning new Duo Chrome shadow Havoc and my ride-or-die crease colour, Cocoa Bear ...

(Left to Right) Top Row: Curfew | Drama Queen | Beaches & Cream | Chickadee

Second Row: Havoc | Bitten | Shimma Shimma | Peach Smoothie Third Row: Dirty Martini | Cocoa Bear | Cupcake | Crème Brulee Bottom Row: Desert Sand | Steam Punk | Latte | Glamourous

And that's our October favourites all rounded up, but we wanna hear from you! What's making your October lovely?

Drop us a comment below!

Peace + Love

Clare X

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