All the single ladies? Nah. Have a coed bouquet toss

All the single ladies? Nah. Have a coed bouquet toss


I am crushing hard on Susan and Jana's take on a bouquet toss. They gathered aaaalll the single hotties to the floor, not just the ladies!

As if a coed bouquet toss wasn't cool enough, Susan and Jana rigged up a nifty lil prize for the winner of the toss:

We also gave a prize for the coed bouquet toss, since the antiquated prize of a husband didn't really mesh with our vibe. Susan's sister painted a canvas with the state of NY, and it was given to the winner.

Nifty! What would you offer up for a coed bouquet toss?

Chris Wolfgang

Chris is a writer and editor in Omaha, Neb. She'll talk your ear off about independent webcomics, animated film, and Ultimate Frisbee.

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