In design school, the biggest lesson that I learned is that, my job as a graphic designer is to inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. However, the most important rule in design - create design that CONNECTS for the person receiving it. Human to human. I’ve been thinking, lately, how can I use social media better? How can I do business better. My gut instinct says to go back to telling your stories, showing your art and your faces. Why? Because you matter too. What I’m about to say might be controversial, but for years in the influencer or personal branding space especially on social media - there has been a lot of focus of just one voice. Me, myself, and I. I’m not going to lie, this way of doing personal branding (or business) on social, especially for me, has always been hard. Not that it’s a bad thing, it just came unnatural to me. But, like everyone, I did what everyone else was doing. I followed along thinking…. it must be right, right?! They big guys are doing, so I guess I should do it too. But what if I was doing it all wrong. Sure, showing my face around here has made it more intimate and relatable, but I’m missing one element — YOU. Deep down I secretly wanted to use this place to not only tell my story but yours too. Because there are so many beautiful faces and gifted artists with incredible stories, how can I not? Am I the only one that craves it too? Don’t tell me I’m the only one. I want to include you in the conversation. I want you to feel welcome here. So I’m bringing YOU back. Sprinkled with a little bit of me. Yes, there needs to be a good balance. Devoid of my voice, this place will seem empty and faceless. With just my voice, this place would be tone deaf. Who’s tired of the comparison game? Imposter syndrome fatigue anyone? I want — Less anxiety, more hope. Less insecurity, more courage. Less loneliness, more connection. So if you’re ok with this, I’m willing to try something different in this space to breathe new life into it again. I’m ready to create a place where your stories, art, voices and faces, resides in harmony with mine. What do you say? #patternsbylucia Art by @luciapador

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