Is it Time for a Makeup Overhaul-What to Keep, What to Toss

Is it Time for a Makeup Overhaul-What to Keep, What to Toss


There comes a time in every girl's life when she knows her beauty routine so well, she could do it with her eyes closed. All it takes is a few swipes of your trusty mascara and a quick dab of lip balm and you're out the door. But the problem with doing your makeup with your eyes closed? You might not even notice that some of your "trusty" products aren't cutting it. That's where we come in and give you a great excuse to go shopping. Read on to see if it's time to switch up your beauty routine.

#1. You've changed your hair color

Ready to go platinum? We'll be the ones with you at the hair salon whispering, "Do it!" But when you change your hair color, your whole look changes-including your makeup routine. Even if you're just dipping your toe into the world of highlights, you'll need to update your set of essentials to complement your new shade. We're all about that new 'do, new you life.

#2. Your makeup has expired

It's a cardinal rule of makeup that most of us ignore; you shouldn't be using the same mascara for more than three months! Chances are, quite a few of your products have actually expired - which means it's time for them to hit the trash and for you to hit your nearest beauty supply store.

#3. The seasons have changed

As we've all personally witnessed, different seasons have different effects on our skin. Say hello to flakes in the winter, and an oily T-zone in the summer. Ugh. Not to mention, your hot pink lippies get put into storage with your flip flops and bathing suits, and your vamp lips come out to play. To keep up with both seasonal trends and the effects of Mother Nature herself, a makeup and skin care overhaul is a must.

#4. Your favorite product is discontinued

We hate to even bring this up, but it happens. Before you turn to eBay to scrounge for spare tubes of that too-good-to-be-true lipstick, consider this the perfect opportunity for a whole new "you" shade. If ever there was a reason to treat yourself, this would be it!

#5. Your skin type has changed

As the years change, so will your skin's needs. And along with the weather changes and seasonal trends mentioned above, it's not just your skincare routine that needs updating, but also the texture of your beauty products. From foundation to highlighter and even eye shadow-the finish of your makeup product dictates the outcomes of your application. If your skin is on the dry side, swap out your powdered products for lightweight coverage, cheek stains, and even liquid bronzer, while oily skin will benefit from beauty products with mattifying properties.

** What has motivated you to overhaul your makeup bag? Tell us in the comments below!

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