Gifts for Kids: Child's Play

Gifts for Kids: Child's Play


Whether they're your own or someone else's, little ones are the most fun to shop for. Children look cute in everything. Miniature anything looks cute. And just try not to buy the adorable stuffed animals that seem to plead with their plastic eyes for a loving cuddle.

Check out the items (shown above) that we couldn't help but purchase this season-now we just have to find some pint-size recipients.

Any little girl would be pleased as punch to slip her paws into a pair of pink eyelash mittens. (If only our hands were small enough to squeeze into these.)

A sweet sweater from Tucker + Tate should warm the heart of any little or big girl. Pair it with some equally cute dotted jeans.

Youth might be wasted on the young, but Burberry needn't be. The checked clothes from this fashion house will be appreciated by tiny tykes-if not now, then later in life when they look back on pictures and realize how stylish they (well, you) were.

Make a child's dream come true: giddy-up and get him a pony. Or maybe a snuggle bunny is more his speed.

The little (or even the big) bookworms in your life will love the beautifully illustrated Secret Garden Artist's Edition.

When frolicking outside, keep the little ones warm in a bear hat and UGGs ®.

And if your heart is immune to adorableness, you could just pick up one of our gift cards -although even those are pretty darling.

Art direction by Elena Aryshtaeva
Photography by Haley Blavka
Copy by Britt Olson

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