Meet Dustin Cantrell, the itinerant destination photographer with offbeat chops you won't believe

Meet Dustin Cantrell, the itinerant destination photographer with offbeat chops you won't believe


If you're a reader of Offbeat Bride, I bet you've already heard of one of our favorite and longtime sponsors, Dustin Cantrell. He's been a mainstay destination photographer for offbeat couples for years and with good reason. He's consistently balancing light, shadows, color, and darkness for all the drama and intimacy you can imagine. He just GETS US.

Let's talk more about the itinerant roamer, image-capturing magician, and photo print proponent Dustin Cantrell.

Dustin is a total globetrotter. No matter where you are, Dustin will find you out with his skillful camera moves. Most photographers focus on one region, but Dustin is in all places at all times. Just this year alone, he's shot weddings in Canada, New York City, Washington State, and California. He's backpacked through Europe, Australia, Southeast Asia, and South America, and even met his French wife in Thailand. His travels have influenced all aspects of his style and technique. There's nothing like photographing hugely diverse people and places to make you excel in all venues. And Dustin does.

This also means that you're not limited to photographers just in your own area. You can snag seriously skillful photography from Dustin no matter where you are in the world.

Want more proof of Dustin's radness? Let's talk to actual, real life couples!

"We couldn't recommend Dustin more highly! He was the stand-out person we worked with on our wedding day. He exquisitely captured our special weekend, from our rehearsal dinner through our wedding. He was impressively attuned to the needs of our wedding day which was filled with less than ideal weather and lighting conditions. As he and we stood alternately under umbrellas that day, we never could have expected how thrilled we would be with our photos. The stunning images he captured are a testament not only to his skill and eye but also to his professionalism, which shone as he worked tirelessly from the moment he arrived until our last guest left. Hiring Dustin was a decision we couldn't have made better."

"Fantastic wedding photographer - highly recommend! We love Dustin. From the beginning to the end, he was perfect. We did an engagement shoot at Crissy Field in SF and loved the candid, not staged moments he captured. The day of our wedding in Calistoga, he was able to beautifully capture all our special moments, without us every feeling like he was there. We received a fantastic array of ceremony shots and moments captured with family, friends, dinner, dancing, and late-night festivities. We are thrilled with the quality and breadth of the shots."

Dustin's always super psyched to hear from offbeat couples, so don't be afraid to reach out with your questions and fun ideas. He knows how offbeat couples operate and understands their need to remain authentic to themselves. The best part? He knows how to translate that into a visual narrative of the whole experience that you will seriously devour. Hell, he's even tackled wrestling fringe and Star Wars in one wedding!

Go see if Dustin will be in your area to capture your wedding. We're betting he will be.

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