People Are Not Happy With County Clerk's Religious Marriage Poster

People Are Not Happy With County Clerk's Religious Marriage Poster


A county clerk in Colorado is under fire for displaying a poster quoting a biblical verse that references marriage being between a man and a woman.

The poster, which hangs above the desks in the Elbert County office where people obtain marriage licenses, reads, "... each man should have his own wife and each woman her own husband" and attributes the line to I Corinthians.

Freedom From Religion Foundation

County Clerk Dallas Schroeder told local news channel Denver 7 that he only hung the poster up as a "celebration of marriage." But the station says they obtained emails that Schroeder wrote to multiple court clerks stating that he created the poster as a response to same-sex marriage.

"My thought process is that they have to see the poster," he allegedly wrote in the email. "And if they choose to violate God's written Word, then that is on their head. I have warned them."

He told Denver 7 claimed that the poster has been up for more than a year with no complaints, but reporters discovered that at least three people have complained to Schroeder and another group of people met this week to talk about the poster.

At least two advocacy groups, Americans United for Separation of Church and State and the Freedom From Religion Foundation , are now calling for the sign to come down.

"Schroeder's job is to issue marriage licenses to every legally qualified couple without bringing his moral disapproval into matters," AU executive director Rev. Barry W. Lynn said in a Thursday news release. "If he's unable to do that, he needs to resign."

FRFF staff attorney Andrew Seidel sent a letter about the poster to several state officials in late November. "Mr. Schroeder is displaying words from his religion's holy book to issue a religious warning to all citizens in a government building," he wrote. "This is unconstitutional."

The quote on the poster, by the way, is kind of a weird choice if your goal really is to "celebrate marriage." The line comes from a chapter in Corinthians in which Paul the Apostle is saying that it's best to stay single (and celibate), and that people should only get married at all if they're going to be absolutely overwhelmed with sexual temptation otherwise.

Not very romantic.

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