A Beginner's Guide To Star Wars

A Beginner's Guide To Star Wars


The first images that spring to mind when thinking about Star Wars are: A gold talking robot that slightly resembles the Tin Man, a young man with an out-dated martial arts outfit and, some bad guy who looks like Voldemort with horns and a cloak. Whenever the sentence "I have never seen Star Wars" leaves my mouth the people around me seem to have some sort of mental break down and suddenly judge my childhood and upbringing. I'm sure it's a great film, I really am, I just somehow don't find catching up on 13 hours' worth of space and 1980's haircuts appealing- and if I'm honest slightly daunting. To save you 13 hours of your life- thank me later, I have thrown together the most important Star Wars information to help any Star Wars newbie get all knowledged-up in time for the release of "The Force Awakens" on the 17th of December. If I can blag Star Wars, so can you. Prepare to be in your partners good books for the next month- which conveniently is the lead up to Christmas... Oh yeah. How many films are there?

There are officially six action films. The first three films titled: A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, were all released between 1977 and 1983. After a small time out, 16 years later to be exact, three more films were released: The Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith. Not to confuse you even more, but the films infact are slightly backwards- The last three films are prequels. So, if you're planning on having a Star Wars marathon anytime soon, watch the newest films first... You think this is confusing? Wait until we get onto the topic of Droids, Naboo and the Sith- Oh yeah, that's a whole new level of confusing.

Want To Impress? There were two-spin off Ewok TV films made (released theatrically in Europe) and a feature-length animated CLONE WARS movie. So there are six films?

Nope. On the 18th of December 2015 the seventh film to the Saga will be released: The Force Awakens. The Almighty Lightsaber

Ok, so until around an hour ago I thought this flashy light up sword contraption was called a "Light Saver", slightly embarrassing... Anyway, the Lightsaber is the Jedi or Sith's elegant weapon of choice, used in many fight scenes across the episodes. Another great use of the Lightsaber is it helps us un-educated Star Wars future fans tell the difference between the goodies and the baddies. The people/alien/creature/things with blue, purple and green Lightsabers are the goodies who we want to triumph- whereas, the red Lightsabers belong to the baddies, who...erm...we want to triumph a little less.

Want To Impress? Luke Skywalker in a deleted scene builds his own Lightsaber in the beginning of Return of the Jedi. Han Solo? Yup that's apparently a name

Oh yeah, with a name like Han Solo you wouldn't think it, but he is the stud muffin of Star Wars. Poor Han was orphaned at a young age which led to him becoming a smuggler- don't worry though, he later made friends with a loyal Wookkie (a walking talking ball of fluff) and became the captain of the Millennium Falcon (this is a good thing).

The transformed smuggler to space pilot made a massive impact on the Star Wars Saga's- from his random uncanny knack of returning when needed most, to being rude to women until they fall head over heels in love with him. He easily became a favourite and Hans to most fans is seen as a friend. A friend you could go paintballing with and a friend who won't judge you when you stuff your face with Doritos- but most importantly a friend with a very, very cool spaceship. Basically, he's a charming pirate with a fluffy grunting best friend, what's not to love?

Want To Impress? Han Solo was originally conceived as a green skinned alien. What on earth is the "Force"?

If I'm honest, I don't have a clue. As far as I am aware, it is a power which can be used for good or bad by a select few. The force enables you to move things with your mind and on some occasions strike lightening out of your fingers, which all in all, seems like a good thing to have. Not everybody can use the force, it can take years of training or you could be a lucky goose and just be born with it (something to do with midi-chlorians and blood). Both Jedi's (the good guys) and the Sith (the bad guys) can use the force.

Want To Impress? The quote "May The Force be with you" may be one of the most well-known quotes in the Star Wars world, say this to any Star Wars fan and you'll suddenly become besties. Star Wars is celebrated by fans across the globe on "May the Fourth" however, if you're more suited to the dark side you can celebrate on the 5th... "Revenge of the Fifth"... Get it?... Never mind. Who is Princess Leia?

Sometimes the whole princess thing can be a bit of a bore and the whole damsel-in-distress act can become slightly cringe, but apparently not in Star Wars. This princess refuses to get caught up in any of that mushy gooey stuff, until she meets Han Solo, and even then the duo are still blasting baddies left, right, and centre. Probably most known for rocking that gold metallic bikini and doughnut hair, Princess Leia is the proud and beautiful face of the Rebel Alliance (the good guys). All in all, she is a sarcastic, sharp tongued, no-nonsense, quick thinking icon of womanhood- eat your heart out Beyoncé. Want To Impress?Is Darth Vader in the new film? Darth Vader is probably one of the most recognisable iconic villains in cinematic history. Any guy who dresses in black armour from head to toe with a spine-chilling heavy breathing technique should not be trusted in my opinion. When this jolly chap isn't breaking necks or slicing off his own son's hand (yup, that happened), he's planning vengeance. In fact Darth Vader hasn't always been evil, he started life as Anakin Skywalker- a snotty little know it all who turned out to be one of the Galaxies best Jedi's, but then sadly got seduced by the dark side. He hasn't really had an easy life: his mother being a slave, her then dying, visions of his pregnant girlfriend dying. In the end it all got a bit too much, and consumed by rage the last remnants of Anakin Skywalker die - Darth Vader is born. In the first film Princess Leia wasn't allowed to wear a bra because according to the series creator George Lucas - "There are no bras in space".

There are rumours flying around left, right, and centre to whether or not he will appear in "The Force Awakens". Somehow it seems slightly unlikely as Darth Vader died in "The Return of the Jedi" from a good beating to death by his son. Darth Vader will unavoidably be a part of the new film as his story is far from over, but the question remains to what role he will play in a time years after his death. In regards to the new film, no one has a clue whether he will make a grand appearance or not... So you're none the wiser, this was a pretty pointless heading I suppose... Least you know a bit of background on Darth though? Honestly, don't thank me, there's no need.

Want To Impress? Darth Vader's helmet design is based on that of a Samurai Warrior. Now you've got the lowdown on a Galaxy far, far away, you can start to have a slight understanding on what your other half is waffling on about instead of just smiling and nodding. Star Wars really is more than just a film, it's a way of life, with hours of entertainment and clever characters it really does have people hooked. The force is calling you (I think this is another Star Wars quote, if not, I'm not too sure where I'm going with this).

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