2014 Claire Pettibone Couture Bridal

2014 Claire Pettibone Couture Bridal


"In the second half of the 17th century, the art of the floral still life reached the height of fashion. Dramatic arrangements of flora and fauna, insects and fruits, set against dramatic dark backgrounds exude a mysterious romanticism. The brilliance of nature's beauty is highlighted to dramatic effect, just as the bride becomes the center of our attention. Painterly butterflies and floral details grade delicate silks and laces gilded in gold, glowing as if lit from within. Oh, the unexplainable mystery of love! Be still my heart...still in love...still life."
~Claire Pettibone.

Swoon and dream over the painstakingly beautiful 2014 Claire Pettibone Couture Bridal collection. Effortlessly captured by Elizabeth Messina. Be sure to see all the photographs in the full gallery by clicking here.

Below are a few photographs from behind the scenes at The 2014 Claire Pettibone Fashion show. You can see more on her Pinterst Page here. Above one of these stunning shots made the cover of Rangefinder Magazine. Where Elizabeth speaks of her return to WPPI.

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