Retro-styled undies to go under that retro-styled wedding dress

Retro-styled undies to go under that retro-styled wedding dress


Instead of ogling shoes this week (...I KNOW!), I'm going to take a quick moment to enjoy some underwear.

Specifically, retro-styled underwear that could go awesome under a vintage-influenced dress. We're talking high-waisted, low-hipped, and all awesome.

Now of course, as with all things Offbeat Bride: I'm not saying anyone has to wear underwear AT ALL on their wedding day (I am in full support of free labin'!), but if you want underthings that match your mid-century outer-things, there are some great options. Sadly, I'm not finding a ton of plus-size options other than the vintage garter skirt featured up top here... Hips 'n' Curves is good at many kinds of plus-size lingerie, but retro-y undies ain't one. Awesome vintage-styled bloomers? Yes. Sexy plus-size honeymoon get-ups? Yes. Retro-styled plus sized undies? Not so much.

Oh, and duh alert: this post is about underwear. You may not want to read it if you're at work and your boss hates underwear.

Random bonus undies!

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