These Animals Are Doing Just Fine Without A Mate, Thank You Very Much

These Animals Are Doing Just Fine Without A Mate, Thank You Very Much



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Some people are feeling that dreaded pressure right now -- the one that creeps up when you have yet to secure a hot date for Valentine's Day.

But in the wild, a lot of animals spend their entire lives in solitude, and only come in contact with fellow species to mate or rear their young. Others, in fact, forego mating altogether and reproduce asexually or parthenogenetically. But even if it's the single life for these animals, they don't seem to care at all.

So if you're feeling sorry for yourself on Valentine's Day, maybe turn to these animals for inspiration.

This humpback whale is celebrating the fact that he gets to travel the world's oceans largely by himself with an awesome backflip.

Polar bears are typically solitary, but this one doesn't seem to mind that he's floating away from society on an iceberg and is becoming really isolated.

Clearly, this tiger couldn't give a sh*t about Valentine's Day.

Instead of socializing, this smart octopus is spending his time playing with and maneuvering these coconut shells.

This sea turtle doesn't care that he's embarking on a life of solitude. Instead, he's adorable, and is charging to the ocean at full speed.

How would you like to be the last living member of your subspecies and have no one to mate with? That was the case of Lonesome George, who was believed to be the last living Pinta Island tortoise. George spent the last decades of his life in captivity as caretakers attempted to get him to breed, but all attempts were unsuccessful. George died in 2012.

This giant squid doesn't care that he lives by himself in one of the coldest, darkest and most hospitable places on the planet. Instead, he keeps on swimming.

Komodo dragons generally live in solitude, and females can even reproduce without the help of a mate. This Komodo dragon isn't worrying about that; instead, she's spending her time drooling and chilling on the beach.

Single? Whatever. This snow leopard doesn't care, and don't mess with her either.

This bull frog is enjoying a nice evening sunset on a comfortable lily pad by himself. Sounds relaxing, huh?

This panda is celebrating her alone time with some beautiful tumbling. Adult pandas are pretty solitary animals and rarely encounter other individuals outside of the mating season, according to the World Wildlife Fund.

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