'Tis the Season to be Jolly!

'Tis the Season to be Jolly!


It's time to make merry - Christmas is just around the corner! A fascinating miscellany of traditions worldwide, this holiday season is undoubtedly the most joyous one.

We decided to share the Christmas spirit a little, by giving you some tips on how to bring in the festive feeling into your homes. Read on:

Indulge in a little holiday tradition and give in to the magic - the possibilities of decorating your house are endless. Bring in a Christmas tree - real or artificial, deck it up with pretty little lights, ribbons, even tiny superhero figurines. Lay out presents under the tree to add to the excitement. It's about spreading joy after all.

Make a playlist of the all-time popular Christmas songs and play them during the day. You won't be surprised to find yourself humming along.

What is a festival without food? Invite all your close ones - friends/family over for lunch or dinner. Make it a pot-luck or involve your guests in the cooking process for more fun. Bonding guaranteed!

Watch Christmas movies - the ones you can never get tired of and which get you into the holiday mood even more. Most viewed - the Home Alone series, Jingle All the Way, How the Grinch stole Christmas, A Christmas Story, you get the drill.

Do a good deed. There's nothing like celebrating the true Christmas spirit by being generous to somebody in need. Donate your clothes, books, toys and the like to the less fortunate. Carry over this mood to the whole year.

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