Mariage - Je ne m'inquiète pas si Tomorrow Comes jamais

Je ne m'inquiète pas si Tomorrow Comes jamais

I’m a world famous photographer. My work has been seen and talked about all over the world. And guess what, so has yours. And pretty much every other one of my contacts and friends on here. Promoting yourself as world famous nowadays is about as relevant as saying, “I make the best fish tacos of anyone in my house”. Flickr, photography and life itself is global. Now, YEARS ago, this meant something. World famous meant that your work was seen in publications in Italy, Russia, Brazil, Minnesota and all over. You really were someone. Now… eh. We’re all someone famous. It has got to the point where people are so desperate for attention for their photos that I am daily being sent message titled So-and-so wants you to see a photo. Then inside this private invitation, there is no personal note, no reason why I should see a photo, no relevance of the photo to me… just a personal invitation to view their photo because………………. I’m not sure. A lot of the time, it’s from someone from a cou

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