DIY New Year's Eve Party Hat With German Glass Glitter

DIY New Year's Eve Party Hat With German Glass Glitter


We can't wait for 2017 to roll on in, and we're celebrating the start of the New Year with this playful and whimsical vintage party hat. The hat was inspired by glamorous, vintage Chicago-and features lots of glitter, of course! Trying making it yourself, and let us know how you are celebrating the start of a New Year! Special thanks to Sara Fitz for this dazzling vintage-inspired 'Chicago' illustration!

Which color scheme is your favorite? It's a toss-up between black and silver and gold and silver for me!

Who doesn't love a little whimsy and a lot of glitter! Download our Vintage-Inspired New Year's Eve Party Hat RIGHT HERE.


Step No 1: Print out New Year's Eve Party Hat Template // Step No 2: Mix tacky glue and a little bit of water in a bowl and stir. (We added water so the glitter spread evenly). // Step No 3: Place printed hat on top of parchment paper (this is so that the glass glitter doesn't land on our table). Take paint brush and dab with glue. "Paint" glue in the gray areas of the party hat. (We did only 2-3 areas at a time because the glue dries fast!). TIP: Use a toothpick for the pointy areas. // Step No 4: Pour glitter on top of glued areas. Step No 5: Simply brush off the excess glitter onto parchment paper. Repeat until all gray areas are completed. // Step No 6: Allow a couple of hours for party hat to dry. // Step No 7: Cut out party hat + fold the tab on the dotted line. // Step No 8: Place glue or strong tape in the dotted tab, fold to seal hat together. // Step No 9: Punch holes where indicated and thread with elastic string (be sure to tie a few knots at either end so the string stays put). Optional: Instead of string try a pretty ribbon! // Add some flare with a little pom pom or tinsel on top!

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