These hidden chest wedding favors are like a mystery subscription box for your guests

These hidden chest wedding favors are like a mystery subscription box for your guests


Hazi and Matt did a ton of seriously fun things at their woodland rainbow wedding, but their hidden chest wedding favors were especially intriguing. they took five chests full of geeky, gamer, and fantasy-themed loot and hid them around the reception area. Whoever found them got to keep all the loot!

These hidden chest wedding favors are making my day and I want one. They're almost like a monthly mystery box for your wedding guests. They also had favors for everyone that were little cardboard chests full of handmade chocolates, a love potion bubble bath bottle, and a key ring with the guest's name. Swoon.

Would you consider giving your guests some hidden treasure to find around the reception? What would you include?

In case you missed this amazing woodland rainbow wedding, head on over to see the rest!

Catherine Clark

Catherine Clark is Offbeat Bride's Senior Editor. In her spare time she loiters at her local library, makes art, watches movies en masse, plays video and tabletop games, poorly cooks healthy things, cuddles with her feline fur baby, and blogs at

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