A Definitive Ranking Of All The 'Sex And The City' Weddings

A Definitive Ranking Of All The 'Sex And The City' Weddings


Admit it, you still watch "Sex and the City" reruns while wedding planning, right? We're all guilty of sitting around with our girlfriends having the quintessential debate: "Am I a Carrie, Samantha, Miranda, or a Charlotte?" And, over here at BRIDES we are definitely guilty of knowing all of the "Sex and the City weddings" by heart! If you can quote SATC like the best of them, look no further, we've got all of the weddings to ever grace the HBO screen, and of course the big screen. Can you name them all? We certainly can!

Best quote: "We look like the Witches of Eastwick."

Best quote: "Everyone says that as soon as you get a place of your own, someone will propose. I thought it would be to me."

Best quote: "The wedding was complete. Charlotte had something old, something new, something borrowed and someone Samantha blew."

Best quote: "There's my song. And there's my girl, whom I love. In case you had any money riding on it."

Best quote: "Okay? You're Audrey Hepburn... owitz!"

Photo: Giphy

Best quote: "No, I told you, no white, no ivory, nothing that says virginal. I have a child. The jig is up."

Sex and the City, the Movie: Carrie and Big

Boy meets girl, boy and girl break up a million times, boy steals girl away from Russian, boy leaves girl at the altar? Oops, Mr. Big freaks out en route to the wedding of the year (200 people! a Vivienne Westwood dress!), and by the time he comes to his sense it's too late.

In the end, Mr. and Mrs. John Preston FINALLY make it official with an understated courthouse ceremony, with of course a very flashy something blue on the bride's feet.

Best quote: "Honey, you know me, I don't really believe in marriage; now Botox on the other hand, that works every time."
"Charlotte, you s**t your pants this year, I think you're done."

Sex and the City 2: Stanford and Anthony

The first order of business in the second installment of Sex and the City on the big screen, a big flashy wedding for Stanford and Anthony! Liza Minnelli included.

Best quote: "It's the law of physics. Whenever there's this much gay in one room, Liza manifests."

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