Striped popsicles, the perfect blue shoes, and have a happy weekend! - Snippet & Ink

Striped popsicles, the perfect blue shoes, and have a happy weekend! - Snippet & Ink


Popsicle season is almost here and these striped berry buttermilk pops are at the top of my list.

Still need something blue? These are the perfect pale blue shoes, and they won't break the bank.

" The day we discovered our parents were Russian spies."

Why choose between a bandana or a scarf, when you can have both (which would be so cute for summer).

Which emoji skin tone do you use?

This food history timeline makes my inner food geek so happy.

Tips for making the perfect candy kebobs.

Looking for a creative wedding gift idea? How about custom embroidered art ...

The glossary of happiness.

Style Sweet's Instagram feed is my new favorite thing to drool over. Also she just came out with a new cake cookbook!

Fascinating read about how social network algorithms are editing what "news" we see.

Enamel pin of the week: 90's mix tape!

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