OPEN THREAD: are there in-laws name alternatives instead of just "the in-laws?"

OPEN THREAD: are there in-laws name alternatives instead of just "the in-laws?"


I really hate the connotation of the term "in-laws." Heck, there are movies and books and articles all over reiterating the message that in-laws are overbearing and at odds with you. I also don't want to start calling my mother-in-law "mom" (especially since my mom is deceased and I don't want to nominally replace her). Does anyone have advice on what to call my in-laws that won't carry the negative weight?

Monster in-laws, the evil in-laws... it's absolutely true that society has demonized the term in-laws into something that isn't exactly reflective of reality. Step-parents have been embracing the term "bonus mom" or "bonus dad" as a way to combat that particular stigma, and it could totally work in this case, too. I'm all for embracing terms with formerly negative connotation and reforming them with positivity, but sometimes it's just not practical for daily use.

If you're not down for first names (as opposed to mom and dad), some other ideas for in-laws name alternatives could be"

  • "extended family"
  • a term from a language close to you (like "mishpucha" in Yiddish)
  • even just "my partner's parents"

Do any of you call your partner's family by something other than the in-laws? Give us your suggestions in the comments!

Catherine Clark

Catherine Clark is Offbeat Bride's Senior Editor. In her spare time she loiters at her local library, makes art, watches movies en masse, plays video and tabletop games, poorly cooks healthy things, cuddles with her feline fur baby, and blogs at

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