23 nerdy housewares for your geek kitchen registry

23 nerdy housewares for your geek kitchen registry


I like to keep things in my kitchen on the nerdy side. I don my Jack Skellington apron (yep, I actually own that), sip from my Hedwig mug, and pull recipes from Nerdy Nummies, and YOU CAN, TOO!

I've rounded up 23 of my the nerdiest, science-y, and fandom-filled housewares perfect for your geek kitchen. Add them to your wedding registry and let your guests get you something that they'll actually be psyched to give. Which is more fun to give: a regular ol' salt and pepper shaker or a DRAGON holding the shakers?! You know the answer.

(Pro tip: set up a universal registry on Amazon to immediately add these things to YOUR registry.)

Turn your fridge OR washing machine into a GameBoy!

Everything on this page came from Amazon, because their wedding registries are super easy for everyone to use, and even include a universal registry option - so you can register for stuff from ANYWHERE online, using Amazon.

Want to add these things to YOUR registry?

Setup your wedding registry today

What kind of geek kitchen items are you adding to your registry?

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