Predictions for 2016, a little brass apple, and Happy New Year! - Snippet & Ink

Predictions for 2016, a little brass apple, and Happy New Year! - Snippet & Ink


Credits: Brass Apple Trinket Box

Just a handful of links to kick off the first weekend of 2016!

Something so charming about this little brass apple box.

I'm always up for dessert, but right around this time of year I'm definitely in the mood for something lighter, maybe like these lemon sponge cups.

Seth Godin's surefire predictions for 2016.

I was pretty sure this binder paper stripe rug was meant for my daughter's room and then it sold out which means it wasn't meant to be. West Elm if you're listening...!!!

Beautiful oyster and pearl illustration by Stephanie Fishwick.

If you suffer from Imposter Syndrome you're in good company (Maya Angelou?!), via Swiss Miss.

9 important things learned from Brain Pickings.

What food might look like in 2035, told through meatballs.

And finally, how to tell a story.

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