8 Analogies to Help You Understand Your Husband

8 Analogies to Help You Understand Your Husband


If you know me, you know I love analogies. In fact, I was the cool kid who turned to another student after the SAT and asked if they also liked the passage on Jack Kerouac, so I REALLY like analogies, and all tests actually, except this 18-year-long one where the point is to see if I can keep my equanimity despite three small kids screaming in my face. FAIL, FAIL, FAIL. Anyway, today I will give you some analogies to help you comprehend your husband's frustrating and mystifying behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Like, really, understand them, not just say you understand while you secretly think he sucks.

Note: Sometimes it's the woman who thinks and acts these ways, and this can help you understand a female partner as well.

7. Your husband isn't romantic.

Your kid wants to lay in your arms and have in-depth conversations about the plot points of Frozen while you give her an elaborate hairstyle involving seven braids and ribbons and periodically spoon straight Nutella into her mouth. You have a pressing work deadline which will determine your bonus this year and you've been getting foreclosure notices on your house and your electric was just shut off. No Nutella today, probably.

Till we meet again, I remain, The Blogapist Who Loves Empathy.

This post was originally published here on Dr. Psych Mom. Follow Dr. Rodman on Dr. Psych Mom, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Order her book, How to Talk to Your Kids about Your Divorce: Healthy, Effective Communication Techniques for Your Changing Family.

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