Preppy Beach Engagement - Polka Dot Bride

Preppy Beach Engagement - Polka Dot Bride


I love the preppy beach engagement we have for you today. Georgia and Cameron took to the beach with photographer Anna from Sweet Hope Photography to capture their engagement in the way they most like to spend their weekends - by the sea!

I love the seaside in Winter and it sets the scene beautifully for today's shoot. The couple chose Point Cartwright, Sunshine Coast for their photographs. Georgia tells, "We both love spending our weekends together at the beach. Also, we love the colours of the sunset against the sand and waves. "

On how they met, Cameron and Georgia note, "We met at a house party thrown by two of our closest friends, who are brother and sister."

On what they love about each other, the couple say, "We always seem to know what each other is thinking without having to say a word. We love that we both have very similar shy yet quirky personalities and seem to bring out the best in each other."


"Despite growing up in the same suburb, attending the same primary school and having friends who were brother and sister we never met until that house party all those years later."

Georgia tells the proposal story. "Cameron proposed to me at our favourite picnic spot, Newstead Park, one Saturday afternoon in Summer 2013. We had been together for over seven years at that time but he still managed to surprise me! He had then planned a secret dinner with both of our families that evening to celebrate. (He chose to propose to me when all our siblings had returned home for Christmas so we could all celebrate together.)"

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