Real Bride Emma: On the Precipice of Crafting ... Send Help - The Broke-Ass Bride: Bad-Ass Inspiration on a Broke-Ass Budget

Real Bride Emma: On the Precipice of Crafting ... Send Help - The Broke-Ass Bride: Bad-Ass Inspiration on a Broke-Ass Budget


Fellow BAB's, I have some awful news.

Pretty soon, I have to start crafting.


No BAB wedding would be complete without a certain amount of DIY-mania, and ours is no different. There are three main things we are DIY-ing:

1) My bouquet and the button holes for the menfolk.

2) All the table decorations.

3) The flowers. That's right, we're growing and then arranging our own flowers.

I won't to go too much into the first one, as I want some things to be a nice surprise for the guests, but needless to say it will require some actual skill. Which is why I'm relying on the twin powers of "how-to" videos on YouTube (thank you Google) and my Maid of Honour, who is to crafting what Mr Miyagi is to jumping around on one leg and somehow becoming a hard-ass.

This is what I fear my MOH will be saying to me shortly. Source

Table decorations-wise, I'm gonna try to keep it as simple as possible. A few books piled up here and there, and then whatever wonderful stuff we have for flowers will be the main focus. I think I've mentioned before that I think going really crazy on table decor seems to me to be a little bit, well, pointless. But still, you can be sure there'll be some lace tied around some stuff somewhere on there, as it appears to be the law for UK weddings. That, or hessian.

If you don't have something like this on your tables, your marriage is a sham.Source

Which brings me to the flowers! This is almost entirely Mr Fiance's department, and boy is he doing well! Our garden is currently overrun with dozens of little black pots, filled with glorious greenery and beautiful buds. If even 50% of these come out the way we want for the wedding we will have LOADS. In true pessimistic form, though, we have back-up plans in place - namely raiding garden centres* for whatever flowering plants they have and plonking them into pots. Bada-bing bada-boom.

A garden centre.Source
*A note on garden centres for non-UK readers. I'm not sure if you have these over on the big island, so let me explain. Garden centres are magical places where elderly English people go to drink tea, eat cake and eventually pass away, surrounded by the tender glow of underwatered pansies and daffodils. Also, you can buy plants there.

So wish me luck BABs, as we enter the Crafting Phase of wedding planning. Believe when I say, nothing fills me with more dread.

Till next time,

Am Dram Bride - out.

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