The Right Way To Get Engaged (According To People You're Not Really Friends With)

The Right Way To Get Engaged (According To People You're Not Really Friends With)



You're engaged! How exciting!

You're probably thinking about how to share the excitement with friends and family, and that it's the perfect time to dust off those wedding Pinterest boards you've been hiding. You're probably thinking this time in your life is all about you.

Oh, how wrong you are.

When it comes to getting engaged, being engaged and consequently getting married, you're making some grave mistakes. That is, if you ask people you're not really friends with. You know those people -- the ones you don't recognize when they pop up in your newsfeed. The ones you can't remember how you ever became Facebook friends in the first place. Those friends.

You might be thinking to yourself, "But I don't care about those friends!" And that's OK. But keep in mind that you're probably that friend to someone else. And you owe it to them, and to yourself, to do things the right way. It all starts with...

A photo of the ring.

We don't mean an up-close, in-your-face shot. Those are too obnoxious. No, all we want is a clear enough look so that if we screenshot and zoom in from our phones (which we'll totally be doing,) we can actually see it.

But that's not all! We might only know you from Com 101 freshman year, and chances are we have no connection to your future spouse at all. But that doesn't mean we're not dying to know...

The proposal story.

How did it happen? When did it happen? Where were you? Was it a surprise? We're not looking for a novel here, just the basics. Photos are a plus!

Now that you've figured out the right way to get engaged, it's important to remember that there is a right way to be engaged, too. The first step is...

Making your Instagram account public.

How else are we supposed to follow along in your joy and planning process?

Then, have your entire wedding party make their social media accounts public, too.

Yes, we do want to waste our entire commute home checking out your bridesmaid dresses and bachelorette destination.

You're almost there! When it finally comes time to saying "I do," instead of worrying about marrying the love of your life and enjoying your day, we'd really appreciate if you'd...

Make a hashtag, and use it diligently.

So what if it's Saturday night and we're out at a bar? Chances are the people we're with, who know you even less than we do, want to see what's happening at your wedding. Because weddings are the best. Even the ones we care so much don't really care about.

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