The Right Way to Use Your Clarisonic

The Right Way to Use Your Clarisonic


There are certain miracle beauty products out there that we just can't get enough of: dry shampoo, mascara, eye creams. These days, our miracle beauty product of choice is the oh-so-popular Clarisonic cleansing brush. For years, this handy little electronic device has risen in the ranks as a skin-improving miracle worker. Like with any popular product, there are countless opinions and ideas out there as to how a Clarisonic brush should be used. We thought it our duty to get the gist on all things Clarisonic from the man who knows the device better than anyone, Clarisonic co-founder and V.P of Clinical Affairs, Dr. Robb Akridge (or just Dr. Robb). The skincare expert sounds off on all our burning questions surrounding everyone's favorite beauty staple!

How Often Should I Use My Clarisonic?

According to Dr. Robb, twice a day is the average recommended usage, but this can vary depending on skin type and lifestyle. "If you have incredibly sensitive skin or have rosacea, you should ease into it," says Dr. Robb. "Try using the brush once every three days and gradually build your usage from there." That being said the twice-a-day rule stands for all skin types, ranging from oily and acneic to dry and sensitive. So turn on that bad boy when you wake up and right before you hit the hay.

You can also surpass your two-a-day rule and use your Clarisonic brush three to four times a day, depending on the brush head. If you live an active lifestyle and wash your face after the gym or other activities, bring along your Clarisonic and use a gentle brush head like the Sensitive or LUXE Cashmere to scrub your mug after you break a sweat.

What's the Right Cleansing Method?

Here's the area that people often make mistakes. Using your Clarisonic correctly can mean the difference between beautiful, healthy skin and irritated, dried-out skin. Here are a couple things to keep in mind, straight from the mouth of Dr. Robb:

Amount of cleanser: "I find that many only put a dab or a dime-sized amount of cleanser, which is not enough," says Dr. Robb. "You should wet your brush and face, and apply a quarter-sized amount to the side of the brush - not the center."Using a dry brush could make for rough cleansing, as it doesn't allow for the cleanser to work up a lather.

Brushing method: Every inch of your face deserves ample Clarisonic attention. Use a gentle, circular method as you cleanse your face and make sure to avoid pressing too hard. This can reduce effectiveness, so don't go overboard! Make sure you cleanse your forehead, nose and chin for 20 seconds each, and work on your cheeks for 10 seconds each.

What Type of Cleanser Should I Use?

The type of cleanser should depend on your skin type. While Clarisonic has a full-line of cleansers that address everything from acne and sensitive skin to dull complexions and dark spots, you can also pair the brush with your personal favorite cleanser. One word of advice straight from the doctor's mouth: "I don't recommend using a pre-foamed cleanser. Those are all air and won't work as well as a gel or cream-based cleanser."

Which Model or Brush Head Should?

Clarisonic brushes come in different models and brush heads designed to cater to your skin needs. Make sure to select the model and brush that will deliver the results you want. For example, acne-prone complexions should go for the Mia 3 model with the Acne brush head. Ultra dry, sensitive complexions should try the Mia 2 with a LUXE Cashmere brush head. Be sure to check out the brand's website for a full list of options to decide which model and brush are right for you.

Have you been using your Clarisonic properly? Tell us in the comments below!

Photo: thinkstock

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