
Hello my Ducks, Is it really almost a month since the new B.LOVED launched?! I think I live in some sort of time continuum where I seem to lose entire weeks. Please tell me it's not just me? Those of you who've read my B.LOVED Guide to Wedding Planning will know that primarily, my role here will be to hold your hand and gently guide you through the weird and wonderful world of wedding planning. While this means that I will mostly be focussing on all things practical, this month I would like to talk to you about something that's incredibly close to my heart. I know this sounds corny but stick with me, it'll all make sense.

I usually don't like talking about me all that much (it's your wedding day, not mine) but in this case, some background will make it easier to understand where I'm coming from. So here it is: 'the story of bride&glory '. Starting bride&glory was an indirect result of my own wedding almost six years ago. But not in the way you might think. It wasn't that I thought "oh my, what a wonderful job it would be to spend all day dealing with pretty things such as choosing venues, picking flowers and thinking up decorative themes".

Far from it. It came from the utter astonishment that I, an experienced event manager, found it stupendously challenging to plan my own tiny wedding. I was used to dealing with corporate events where decisions are made quickly and without any emotional attachment or the fear of upsetting family members and friends by not doing things 'their' way. To say that I was wholly unprepared for the emotional roller-coaster I seemed to have gotten strapped into when I wasn't looking is a whopping understatement.

I remember the day of our rehearsal, frantically dashing around trying to please those that weren't quite in agreement with my plans for streamlined Church decorations (lashings of ivy and candles had been my plan) until I literally had to hold my hands up and say "stop - I will be standing in front of our wonderful vicar in half an hour to practice saying my vows and that's all I need to concentrate on right now". I know that everybody around me meant incredibly well but boy did I find it overwhelming. In two days time I was about to marry my best friend. Did it really matter whether we could still source decorations to zhoozh up the Church that little bit more? My mum snuck our family heirloom candelabras into Church. They're particularly precious to us because they were my dad's favourite. Not to cue the violins but he died when I was a toddler and it was a beautifully thoughtful gesture to make him part of the day. Can you imagine how ashamed I am to say I didn't even notice them? They were right in front of me throughout the ceremony, yet all I could see was my (imminently-to-be) husband. Such a cliché yet so true.

So where am I going with this trip down memory lane? If you just take one message away from it, it's to not lose sight of what your wedding day is all about. I get it, you've hunted high and low for pretty details, all those little touches that will make your wedding day über-special, and you want everything to be done 'just so'. I understand. You're talking to the woman who re-irons an already-ironed cloth when it's on the table so there are no creases. Particular much, Mrs b&g? There's absolutely nothing wrong with attention to detail as long as you remain aware that what really will make your day memorable are those precious moments you share with those who are important to you. You haven't just decided to throw one big expensive party - you're doing this because you're ready to promise your best friend to spend the rest of your lives together. So when it all gets a little overwhelming, take a deep breath and dial it back down to the key reason behind the day.

How about this for inspiration: as part of my job, I've had the privilege of working with a fabulous team at Fetcham Park, a Surrey wedding venue. Laura (aka Mrs Caudery, who runs Fetcham Park) recently launched the hashtag #ShareTheHonestLove which has taken off like wildfire. The idea behind it is to remember and share those special moments that are all about celebrating love on your wedding days and in your lives. I can't tell you how utterly thrilled I was to see how much it resonated with so many of you. If you've missed it, just have a look on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook - you'll find a virtual outpouring of love and precious moments that will have you reaching for your hankies. In the interest of full disclosure, this article isn't a sly way of me trying to piggy-back on the success of the #ShareTheHonestLove movement. My reference to it comes with Mrs C's blessing and she'll be the first to tell you that my mission for bride&glory has always been the same: To help you re-focus on the most important aspect of your wedding day by taking away the stressful operational elements (at least some of them) and serve as a 'port in the storm' whenever you get too overwhelmed by wedmin, have one of those 'is it just me or...' moments or simply need a good rant. So go forth, share the love and remember that pretty details, as important as they are, should never be the be-all and end-all of a wedding day. The two of you are what matters most.

With noodles of love until December, - Mrs b&g


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