Rock out to 18 metal matrimonial mohawks

Rock out to 18 metal matrimonial mohawks


Weddings are a perfect time to try an elaborate new updo, and you can't tell me otherwise: mohawks absolutely count as updos. On Offbeat Bride, we've seen some fancy ones. Long, short, bleached, black, rainbow... well, you'll have to go to our mohawks archive to see them allllll, but we've got 15 of 'em right here if you just want to take a peek!

2. Dark and mysterious is always a good look to pair with a mohawk.

4. Mohawks complement your partner's chest piece. And your own.

9. Don't be shocked: A mohawk would look good in your wedding colors

10. What mohawk isn't improved by a biker jacket?

11. Teary eyes go well with mohawks

18. All you need is a great back piece to finish off the look

So tell us! Are you or your partner going to rock a mohawk at your wedding? Long? Short? Rainbow? Black? We wanna know!

About Chris Wolfgang

Chris is a writer and editor in Omaha, Neb. She'll talk your ear off about independent webcomics, animated film, and Ultimate Frisbee.

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