How to Make Spike Comb - DIY & Crafts - Handimania

How to Make Spike Comb - DIY & Crafts - Handimania


When I sometimes sit down and contemplate my teenage years I think these were a really happy period in my life. I think the times were interesting, so was life. Even the youth subcultures seemed to be more visible and vivid in those times. I remember my friends turning from metals to flower power or punks.

And actually, the 80's punk subculture was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw a Spike Comb on Honestly WTF. They are obsessed with stegosaurus that's why they made this ingenious hair accessory, but to my mind it quite resembles my primary school classmate's blue spiky hair. It looks much more seriously and formidably than Rudolph Hairstyle, but it's also a brilliant idea to look originally.

What do you think about these hairstyles? Share your opinions below!

Check out the tutorial on Honestly WTF.

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