Idées de mariage - Emporium

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Save on your centerpieces by creating beautiful arrangements with nary a flower in sight: "Suspending votives from branches is very popular right now," says Justin Potter, owner of Nettleton Hollow, an online emporium of botanical materials.

wedding photo - Gâteaux de mariage

Gâteaux de mariage

Six tier wedding cake with sugar flowers cascade. All the flowers are made of sugar and include roses, casablanca lilies, arum lilies, sweet peas, hydrangeas, parrot tulips and assorted buds and greenery. By Elizabeth's Cake Emporium ᘡղbᘠ

wedding photo - mariage


Orange Wedding Center pieces, a trending fashion. A lovely warm look for a Fall/Winter wedding. Contact us at Vintage Emporium to see how we can help you with vignettes for your wedding or next event. orange #orange

wedding photo - Feine Torten

Feine Torten

Marie Antoinette wedding cake by Elizabeth's Cake Emporium

wedding photo - Vêtements de nuit

Vêtements de nuit

De Eva Wagenfish Emporium sur Etsy: 1930 de mousse mousseline de soie vert et écru onsie dentelle de coton. Haut de onsie, est bordée de dentelle en écru large, avec de la soie rose, cordon chaîne tiroir parcourir corsage. Ecru soie bretelles corsage

wedding photo - Cake Art

Cake Art

Katie Shea Design by Elizabeth's Cake Emporium

wedding photo - Idées pour le mariage de bricolage

Idées pour le mariage de bricolage

WILDFLOWERS. Don't forget about these beauties even if you don't want them to be a big part of your wedding or event they are great to use at the bar area or in small areas that you want to add some color. For example, near the card table or in the b