10 Ways to Make Life Lovely - the Balanced One

10 Ways to Make Life Lovely - the Balanced One


Aaand SIGH. We've reached the end of September and are now well and truly in the midst of Autumn, the year's last loveliest smile. I have to say, this past week I've been feeling it a lot more (at the start of the month I was still in full swing summer!) but things are getting cosier, morning walks are getting fresher and I'm kinda loving it, guys!

Today's 10 Ways is all about balance. In this beautiful season of change, it's more important than ever to seek out some level-headed loveliness to indulge in. We'll be balancing nostalgia with new, we'll be balancing mugs of cosy warm indoors with weekends away to the brisk British coastline and we're balancing our time, slowing things down a little, and making space for friends .

So, without any further ado, you know the drill: grab a cup of something yummy, feet up and let's get into some serious loveliness!

First up, we have just been LOVING binge-watching the Gilmore Girls. Let me know if I'm alone in this, but it always feels so autumnal to me?! (I think it's the Connecticut setting, maybe?!)

Either way, it's been a major throwback (thanks Netflix) to watch this quick witted Mother-Daughter duo all over again. Just incase you've never seen it, Gilmore Girls is just a huge dose of light hearted, hilariously scripted, 90s nostalgia, starring Alexis Bledel, Lauren Graham and (the brilliant) Kelly Bishop!

Looking to couch-potato (yes, it's a verb) this weekend away? Look no further.

Ahhh, so many moments of comedy genius, you'll feel like you're in on every private joke! It's perfect for cosy Autumn nights in.

After a recent trip to Anglesey with by beau to celebrate our 3rd anniversary (woah, where has that gone?!) I was reminded of two things:

  1. How much I adore the beach... Like seriously, why do I live in the Midlands again?!
  2. How much I adore the beach in the autumn/winter.

The first point is easy to get, right? Beaches are just the bomb and Britain alone has an incredible coastline. So, let me explain my second point, because cold windy beaches aren't necessarily an obvious favourite! Here's my reasoning...

Cold beaches often mean deserted beaches, which just makes them all the more beautiful and peaceful.

After September a lot of beaches become dog-friendly, and nothing's better than running your hound in the sand.

The colour palette transforms into this beautifully washed-out (no pun intended) cool-toned serene blend that we just adore.

It's a different experience to the summer beach vibes. Bundle up and enjoy the cold salt-laden air, breathe deep.

I mean, if those photos don't convince you this is an awesome idea, I don't know what will! Book yourself a weekend by the coast, you won't regret it.

The Slow Home has been my go to podcast this month. It's no secret that it's challenging me, I mean, I'm the kind of person that talks at the speed of light (no for real, my beau often tells me I need to switch my speech to half time) and referring to myself as a 'headless chicken' seems to be a favourite past time of mine right now. So, as you might imagine this podcast is, in every way, a change for me; a very welcome change.

I feel like autumn is a great time to slow down, especially if you work in the wedding industry, where Summer is peak business time. It's such a gorgeous period of change, missed in the blink of an eye if we're not careful, and I'm finding slowing down the pace (where possible) is really helping me find some much needed balance.

From discussing screen-free bedrooms and the 8 hours sleep, to conscious Capitalism and random acts of kindness, the beautiful Brooke describes her podcast (which she hosts alongside her hubby, with an occasional cameo from one of their littles):

We live life in the fast lane. We race to keep up with The Joneses. We are over-worked, over-committed and over-stressed, and we compete on how busy and important and sleep-deprived we are. But we don't need to. There is an ever-growing group of people who are saying no to life lived at 110%. They are opting to slow down, simplify, say no and focus on the things that are truly important. I'm one of them, and in The Slow Home Podcast I chat to others who have adopted a similar approach to life - slowing down, opting out, saying no. Listen in to learn what makes people change, how life is different once you adopt a slower way of life, and what their advice is to anyone looking to get out of the fast lane.

Whewwww. I'm telling you I have been FEELING my hormones recently (and I defo don't mean that in a positive Beyoncé 'I'm feeling myself' kinda way!).

Balance has been much needed and I've been seeking it wherever possible. A self-confessed health-nut, I'm learning to always turn to my diet for healing first and foremost; we are what we eat, after all.

*Cue amazingly cosy hormone-balancing drink recipes*

Oh, Pinterest. You continue to delight!

We've been LOVING this Almond, Maca and Cinnamon smoothie, as well as this warming Cacao, Chia and Maca hot chocolate.

That first recipe link provides some super helpful (mainly lifestyle/diet based) tips for balancing your hormones, including your intake of healthy fats (hence the almond milk) and using Maca, which is a natural adaptogenic known for it's hormone balancing properties.

Following on from our seasonal aubergine eats a few weeks back, right now we're all about that pumpkin life! So when Hot For Food (one of my fave vegan food youtubers) created a 3 recipe pumpkin video, you better believe I was all over that!

Move over Pumpkin spice latte, we're going next level!

Pumpkin Spice Muffins, a Pumpkin Pie Smoothie and Pumpkin Ravioli with Garlic and Sage.

Take me out of the oven, for I am DONE! They sound SO good!

We're all about that Pumpkin errthang right now. YUM.

With the fast-paced, often work-orientated and busy lives we lead, sometimes it can be difficult to get into a rhythm with our friendships. Feel like you've got that constant pang of guilt for having not seen your mates in ages? Well, mate dates are the answer.

Friends are the family we choose, and finding a way to secure time to nourish those friendships is absolutely essential to creating love-filled relationships, not to mention getting your own personal work-play balance just right!

Here's some of Free People's top 10 friend date ideas that don't involve happy hour (although that's a totally good substitute for any of the below if that's what you're feelin'!):

  • Take a class together - got a hobby you both fancy persuing, do it together!
  • Catch a movie - this time of year is PRIME for good movies (more on that later!)
  • Practice Yoga together - get some zen with your girls
  • Picnic in the park - fresh air, autumn sunshine, low budget, plenty of opportunity to catch up... Yes!
  • Go out-of-town thrift shopping - we love this one, recycle awesome vintage goods while adventuring to a new town together, and two sets of eyes are definitely better than one for finding those hidden gems
  • Grab a coffee and hit a local market - really though, what's not to love? Such a great weekend starter
  • See a comedian together - grab a ticket to something local, or your favourite funny star, or even just switch on Netflix.. However you do it, just get some laughs together
  • Spa day - no-brainer, right?
  • Shop together - whether that's an internet session from home together with a glass of vino (my kinda shopping) or hitting a mall together, shop with your sisters!
  • See a local show - is there an exhibition nearby? Go check it out with your buddies

This one's all kinds of important for this season: get your vitamin D fix.

Before you turn to supplements to get your fix of the all important vitamin D, endeavour to get yourself a minimum of 30 mins of sunshine everyday this month.

That's sunshine straight to your skin... I know, I know, it's cold! But if you head out for a bit of cardio (a brisk walk or jog would do the trick) you'll soon find yourself warming up and exposing some skin.

Vitamin D is crucial for good bone health, in both adults and children, and also plays an importance role in regulating cell growth, immune function, and reduction of inflammation. It's pretty hard to absorb from food, the best and most natural way to get your fix is from sunlight on the skin, which can be pretty hard to come by in the UK this time of year, but oh-so important!

H&M home. Hats off to you.

From the cosiest looking blankets in an array of gorgeous neutrals (their Anthracite Grey... Holy crap, yes!) and deep autumnal tones (oh hey, Forrest Green), to pops of gold in their home accessories ( this little mirror though, I die!), H&M home have nailed it this month.

Rich palettes, clean-cut scandi vibes, log cabin cosiness and hints of metallic chic... It's all we've ever wanted!

So my beau introduced this to me and I am just hooked.

Earth View is an extension for your Google Chrome browser. Free to download and install here, it randomly selects an aerial shot from Google Earth to show to you every time you open a new tab in your browser.

Is it the ultimate in procrastinating? Yes, absolutely.

Is it fuelling my wanderlust? Well, what do you think?!

Is it a beautiful escapism? Absolutely.

Fascinating, right? The diversity across our Earth is mind-blowing.

Of course. I couldn't write today's post without mentioning the ever-wonderful Jones.

On a recent mate date, the girls and I indulged ourselves on a journey into motherhood with Bridget, and I have to say, she was a hoot, as always!

Alongside the (still) unbelievably charismatic Colin Firth, with the addition of serious hottie, Patrick Dempsey, and the star of the show (for me at least!) Emma Thompson as Bridget's Doctor if you liked the first two, the third will not disappoint!

I mean, such fun! There's a pretty fun festival moment with a little cameo from Ed Sheeran too that totally tickled my funny bone! Have an amazing weekend you guys, I hope it stays as fresh and sunny as it is today here!

We'll see you on the flip side, MWAH!

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