What To Do When You Don't Like Your Engagement Ring

What To Do When You Don't Like Your Engagement Ring


Your significant other just popped the question! Congratulations!

All the emotions are flooding in and you look down at your finger and realize that the rock you just put on isn't close to your Pinterest board. You can't wait to share the news with everyone, but aren't sure what to do when your family and friends ask to see the big sparkler.

(Photo by Carlie Statsky)

1. Don't Panic
Some just jump to the conclusion that their significant other just doesn't know them as well as they thought they did. Does this mean that they aren't meant to be? No! Proposals are extremely nerve-wracking, and purchasing a ring is even more. With all the pressure sometimes taste can get lost in translation. Don't let this incident be a judgement factor on compatibility.

2. Get in that engagement honeymoon phase
You just got engaged and are now a fiancé! Quit worrying about the ring, and think about your future that is ahead. Bask in one of the happiest times of your life with the love of your life. You can worry about the ring later, but for now think of the positive!

3. You only have to wear it until your wedding
Of course, everyone will want to see the rock on your finger as you tell them the news, but understand that on your wedding day you will be replacing or adding your wedding band. Choosing a wedding band is more of a shared decision, so you can find something that will complement the ring well.

4. This Is what anniversary gifts are for
Anniversary gifts are a perfect way for spouses to upgrade their engagement rings or wedding bands. If it isn't in the budget right now, let it go. You will have the rest of your lives together and plenty of time to get more sparkles that you can choose together.

5. Tell your fiancé
Marriage is about open discussion and you're most likely going to have had conversations like this in the future, so you might as well get started now. You don't want to start your marriage off with dishonesty, so trust in your partner that they will understand and have an open discussion about it. But make sure to be respectful and compromise. A lot of time and effort was involved in this process, so be mindful and courteous to your partner.

(Photo by KT Merry)

Yes, you are not marrying the rock, you're marrying the person. But this is something that you imagine wearing for the rest of your life, so you should love it too! It's a difficult conversation to have, but sometimes it just needs to be done. Hopefully if you have yet to be engaged this will be a tip for the to-be-engaged folks out there. If you see your relationship heading towards marriage, it might be helpful to drop some hints or just share your Pinterest board with them!

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