Instead of throwing your bouquet, lock it up in a birdcage for one lucky keyholder

Instead of throwing your bouquet, lock it up in a birdcage for one lucky keyholder


Holly and Matt's gloriously foggy mountain top wedding had some truly fabulous elements like the group bus shots and the craft beer named "For Richer or Porter" and "Wedding Bliss Weiss." One of their most innovative wedding alternatives was their alternative to tossing the wedding bouquet: they tied in a love lock theme!

Here's how they did it:

We came up with a different way to incorporate the throwing of the bridal bouquet. Because we already had a love lock theme going, we locked the bouquet in a birdcage and got a bunch of random keys. Each of the single ladies in attendance grabbed a key and attempted to unlock it!

I love that this allows everyone a sneaky chance to win without a huge display. Shy guests FTW!

Plus, hello adorable key concept with notes! Can you imagine this at a Harry Potter-themed wedding with the winged keys from book one? And then you could free Hedwig from the cage?! Swoon.

Are you opting to toss your bouquet or try out an alternative like this? Go see what other traditions Holly and Matt bucked!

Catherine Clark

Catherine Clark is Offbeat Bride's Senior Editor. In her spare time she loiters at her local library, makes art, watches movies en masse, plays video and tabletop games, poorly cooks healthy things, cuddles with her feline fur baby, and blogs at

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