Water Lilies Flower Bouquet

Water Lilies Flower Bouquet


Credits: water lilies bouquet, water lily bouquet, loop flowers, christina mcneill, lotus flower bouquet, single flower bouquet, snippet and ink

We never met a flower we didn't like, and while we fawn over floral arrangements that incorporate a variety of blooms, we also think there is a simplicity and beauty in choosing just one type of flower to use in your bouquet or centerpieces. In this series, we highlight the unique charm of individual flowers, and we show just how lovely they can be when given the chance to take center stage.

This week we're highlighting the water lily, which is a totally unusual choice for a bridal bouquet, yet it's a perfectly romantic and modern choice. We'd love to see more brides walking down the aisle with water lilies in hand!

Floral Design by Loop Flowers. Photography by Christina McNeill.

SEE MORE: Floral Spotlight, Inspired Ideas
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