VOW: Van Atkins Jewelers | The Bridal Guru

VOW: Van Atkins Jewelers | The Bridal Guru


Our Vendor of the Week this week, is the one who puts the pendulum into play and has a huge part in the bride and groom's vows: Van Atkins Jewelry in New Albany, MS. Since 1982, Van Atkins has provided the unique and unusal jewelry pieces to women and men throughout Mississippi and the United States. Of course, we know Van Atkins for their beautiful engagement rings, wedding bands, estate pieces, custom jewelry and that's just the beginning. Every time I visit Van Atkins, there is always something new. And now they have a new store in downtown New Albany.

How did Van Atkins get started? When I asked Chuck Cooper how he began, I was pleasantly surprised. What started as a family department store with gold chains, later diamonds and then estate pieces, has evolved into one of Mississippi's most prestigious jewelry stores.

What do you like most about what you do? Chuck said he loves working with couples. "These guys are so in love. It is really fun helping them work out all the details and then see the smiles on their faces." And I have seen so many couples in Van Atkins. To witness that love and excitement first hand as they take one of their first steps towards marriage is gratifying.

Any Special Services, products, or exclusives? Chuck told me that they are constantly searching for special estate rings or pieces. Then when they find something, they think of ideas they can take from that piece and make it into a Van Atkins piece or custom ring. Chuck added, "we want our customers to have the perfect ring that is special for them."

If you could give a bride one bit of advice, what would that be? Chuck's advice: even after years of marriage, try to flirt with your husband everyday.

Any funny stories to share? A groom tied the engagement ring to the collar on his dog. The dog darted across the yard and the ring fell off. The entire family combed through the grass including the future bride not knowing it was her ring. Now, this is a story that can be shared with grandchildren.

We hope you'll get to know Chuck Cooper and his great staff at Van Atkins Jewelers. Located at 129 Bankhead Street in New Albany, let Chuck and his team help you with your baubles and bangles. Drop by or give them a call: 662-534-5012.

See more about Van Atkins Jewelers in the pages and on the website of Premier Bride of MS.

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