Becoming a big brother or sister, introducing new siblings

Becoming a big brother or sister, introducing new siblings


We're excitedly awaiting the arrival of our second child this autumn and having only just shared the news with our family and friends we've also begun to prepare our three year old son for his new role of "big brother".

We actually told Dylan about the baby a few weeks back - long before we should have if you ask any parenting experts I'm sure - but I was being very sick and this upset the kid is a live-wire and likes nothing better than to "body slam" his unsuspecting victims from the back of the sofa. Needs must and all...

It got me thinking though of all the fun ways you might want to introduce a child to the concept of a sibling - and perhaps even their new brother or sisters it can be hard for a child to understand the process of pregnancy, and if their young like our son - a family even!

Dylan's already tried to "find" baby in my tummy by attempting to peel back my belly button and he's asked if baby will be kind, happy, a girl, boy....he's even asked if baby will give him a windmill (his latest obsessions windmills and fans!)...which got me thinking. A gift (or few) from his sibling will definitely be the way forward when it comes to making introductions and perhaps help guide us all along the way...

So having scoured the net for ideas, here are some of the wonderful ways you might introduce your child to the concept of another baby - or even the baby themselves...


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