This video makes me already excited for winter: Lovesick Expo 2016! | @offbeatbride

This video makes me already excited for winter: Lovesick Expo 2016! | @offbeatbride


Is it weird that it's finally summer, and yet I'm already looking forward to the depths of this upcoming winter? I'm wearing a sundress, so why am I excited to pull out my sleeping bag coat and oversized hunting cap? Because I just watched the Lovesick Expo video from our 2015 shows, and it made me miss the good times of meeting hundreds of Offbeat Bride readers across the country... y'all are so amazing.

For those of you just joining us, the Lovesick Expo is our nationwide series of gay-friendly, guy-friendly, trans-friendly, super inclusive and loving wedding expos. It's the wedding expo where your mother-in-law and your poly pansexual lovers will feel equally welcomed. It's the only wedding expo with booze, burlesque, music you actually want to dance to, and Offbeat Bride's staff waiting to mash ourselves up against you with overly affectionate hellos. The Lovesick Expos are my favorite party, and we just announced the date of the very first 2016 expo:

Lovesick Expo Philadelphia: January 10, 2016

Yep. That's the Lovesick Expo 2016 date. We'll be hitting seven more cities in the seven weeks after that, and I'll be dribbling out those dates in coming weeks.

I could just keep talking here all day, but the video says it better than I ever could. I miss you, Lovesick Expo. Summer 2015 is awesome and all, but January 2016 can't come soon enough...

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