Rooftop wedding in Seattle, donut reception in Kentucky

Rooftop wedding in Seattle, donut reception in Kentucky


Sometimes a wedding can't all happen at once. That just means you get to have a kickass reception later, right? Heather and Jessica live in Kentucky, but they had a sweet rooftop wedding in Seattle last January. No one's denying that Seattle is, like, always gorgeous, but check out those sunset photos for the ceremony! I'd elope for that.

For their reception back home in Kentucky, Heather and Jessica busted out the fancy duds and got their party on with a larger entourage. Please note that the party included a dessert table exclusively of donuts. So many kinds of donuts. Currently awaiting my invitation to a wedding that does this.


Catering: Bluegrass Catering * Donuts: North Lime Donuts and Coffee * Dress: Danna Harrington (D&H Designs) * Flowers: Michler's * Photography: Goldie & Christine Photography * Venue: Grand Reserve

Chris Wolfgang

Chris is a writer and editor in Omaha, Neb. She'll talk your ear off about independent webcomics, animated film, and Ultimate Frisbee.

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