Trend Alert: Dreamy Double Exposure Wedding Photography

Trend Alert: Dreamy Double Exposure Wedding Photography


We're often a little wary about trends in wedding photography - our grandkids are really going to wonder what all those photos with moustaches and lips were all about!

But today we're not talking about a new trend, we're talking about an old one that's made a comeback...

Double exposure.

A dreamy photo-taking technique that was a special effect long before Photoshopping and Instagram filters. And we're pretty excited that some of the best photographers in the world are rediscovering its beauty.

Photo by Wendy Laurel

Harking back to the film era, double exposure is still normally done on a film camera, requiring no digital post-production. (Pretty impressive, right!) Though some digital cameras do have double exposure functionality.

In non-techy terms, double (or multiple) exposure is when the camera shutter opens more than once, to expose the same piece of film several times. If used with two different images, they are layered over one another, resulting in these other worldly images.

Photo by Dylan & Sara

In wedding photography in particular, double exposure is often used to pair the bride or the couple, with an image of the flowers or the setting.

While it was seen as a style that's a little dated, (think those Awkward Family Photo glamour shots!) now, new techniques are making double exposure cool again.

Soft blooms and waterside or meadow locations often work really well with the dreamy style of the photography, though photographers are often experimenting with punchy colours and innovative set-ups, like the cool tulip shot by Dylan & Sara above.

Photo by Feather & Stone

Just as film has become popular among photographers again, so too has double exposure. Some of the world's biggest names in fine art wedding photography have been experimenting with the technique, ( Jose Villa, Elizabeth Messina and KT Merry among them).

While photographers like Feather & Stone and Wendy Laurel have developed modern, unique styles and include double exposure as a regular feature and signature style of their portfolios.

Double exposure isn't something you can perfect over night, and not every photographer will have tried their hand at it, so, if you've your heart set on a double exposure wedding portrait, look for photographers, most likely working with film, who already have it in their repertoire.

Mention early on that it's something you're interested in, so your photographer has time to prepare, and bring the right equipment on the day. It's definitely NOT something to simply suggest on the day!

It doesn't always work out, (the Dylan & Sara starry shot below took weeks to create!), but if it does, you could have yourself the most epic, romantic, and cool wedding portrait ever!

And to get you inspired, here's a few of our fave modern day double exposures...

10 of our Favourite Double Exposure Wedding Photographs

Photo by Ashley Ludaescher

Photo by Dylan & Sara

Photo by Elizabeth Messina Photography

Photo by Blue Rose Studios

Photo by Wendy Laurel

Photo by Tomasz Wagner

Photo by Feather & Stone

Photo by Jose Villa Photography

Photo by KT Merry Photography

Photo by Caroline Tran Photography

Aren't they dreamy? It was actually that last picture by Caroline Tran Photography that inspired this whole post, what a beauty - and can you believe it was her first attempt at double exposure? Amazing!

Let us know if you'd consider looking for a photographer who does double exposure - and share your love for all these beautiful photographs in the comments below.

Visit our Planning Guide for great tips on finding a wedding photographer.

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