Simple and delicate bridal session - Wedding Sparrow | Best Wedding Blog | Wedding Ideas

Simple and delicate bridal session - Wedding Sparrow | Best Wedding Blog | Wedding Ideas


We love to see movement in the images we feature as it makes the wedding or story we're seeing more tangible. As if we're there in person. This soft and delicate editorial from Kylie Martin Photography shows us that less is more and that if props/accessories aren't needed, don't use them just for effect. We love how simple and ethereal this is!

"Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair."- Khalil Gibran

From Kylie Martin Photography: "The inspiration for this shoot was drawn upon nature and the movement that happens all around us. Our model playfully danced through the waist high grass and climbed from rock to rock while the wind carried her gown. The youthful spirit that came alive in these images created a wild yet intimate session. Kendra Hittinger provided us with two delicate, timeless looks for our model's hair and makeup. By using inspiration from our surroundings she was able to create a look that was purely organic and perfect for any fine art bride. Kaleo, our model has a unique understanding of movement and how it carries over into photos, everything from her hand placement to her subtle steps made the perfect addition to the story we were creating. Lastly, Gossamer provided a vintage gown that complimented not only our model but the entire concept of this session."

Vendor details

Photography: Kylie Martin Photography | Film Lab: PhotoVision | Hair and makeup: Kendra Hittinger | Model: Kaleo Woods | Dress: Gossamer

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