Valentine's Day Pressure

Valentine's Day Pressure


I don't know about you, but I feel quite a bit of pressure around Valentine's Day. In the run up everyone starts asking you what your plans are... what you're getting them... what they're getting you... and it's starting to drive me crazy!

Don't get me wrong, I love the concept of a day dedicated to love, but since when did it become a competition to be the most loved up pair? I even started feeling stressed about what to put on the blog today! This is a website all about weddings and love after all, surely I needed to have something epic and amazing planned? Erm, actually I don't.

This year, just like every one before it, Gareth and I will not be going out for an overpriced romantic dinner. He won't buy my flowers and I won't get him a card. We'll wish each other a happy Valentine's Day in the morning, have a few kisses... but nothing out of the ordinary. In private we're quite a mushy couple as it is (we both say "I love you" to each other at least once a day!) if we stepped it up a notch we both might implode!

So if, like me, you're anxious about today, why not jump on my bandwagon? Chill out, keep it real, and spend the evening slobbing on the sofa.

I'm not saying you should rebel against or ignore the message behind Valentine's Day, but it's certainly not something that I want to define my relationship.

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