The Trick for Wrapping Your Pony

The Trick for Wrapping Your Pony


The ponytail is one of those looks that will never go out of style. So it's a good thing you likely learned how to throw your hair into one by age 5. Since then, your ponytail has likely gone through several iterations. There was the high pony, the low pony, maybe even the crimped pony - you get the idea. These days, you rock a pony everywhere from the gym to the office, and it's perfectly acceptable. Chic, even. But occasionally, you want to make that ponytail look a little bit more polished than the one you wear to the gym. Want to know the trick? We'll tell you.

Step 1. Put your hair in a ponytail. Easy enough, right? Just use a brush to smooth out any bumps before you secure neatly with an elastic band.

Step 2.
Here's what makes this look work: Pull a small strand of hair from the bottom of the ponytail and curl that section with a small curling iron. The smaller the iron, the tighter the curl, which is key for step 3.

Step 3.
Spray the curl with a heavy-duty hairspray like Redken Control Addict 28 Extra High Hold Hairspray. Wrap the curl around the base of the pony, tucking the tail into the hair tie at the end. Spritz the hairspray again and you're all done! Wasn't that easy?!

Photography: What are your favorite ways to dress up a ponytail? Tell us in the comments below!

Joshua M. Shelton
Model: Deven Hopp

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