How to Make No Sugar & Pectin Strawberry Honey Jam - Cooking - Handimania

How to Make No Sugar & Pectin Strawberry Honey Jam - Cooking - Handimania


My son loves strawberry jam, and if I allowed him, he would eat a few jars a day. This can't happen of course, but every mother's worry is to feed her child with the best food possible. I always check the list of ingredients when I buy jams, and I tend to avoid the ones that have a high amount of artificial additives and sugar. But there's nothing better than a homemade one.

That's why this simple recipe for No Sugar & Pectin Strawberry Honey Jam won my heart so much. You may have been used to adding pectin and sugar to your homemade preserves, but Mary and Jim of Old World Garden Farms found a way better solution. They simply add some apples to strawberries, as they contain a lot of natural pectin, and sweeten it with honey. You can use this healthy strawberry spread when making Cheesecake Dessert Tacos - your kids will love it with no doubt.

If you have any recipes for sweet and natural preserves, do share them below with us and other users.

Check out the full recipe on Old World Garden Farms website.

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