Summer Sandals & Pedicure Polish Pairings

Summer Sandals & Pedicure Polish Pairings


Here at MDC, we are constantly inspired and amazed (and distracted at work) by the blogosphere. We have our list of favorite bloggers and always get excited when we are lucky enough to collaborate with one of them!

Recently we chatted with Carly Heitlinger of The College Prepster. She shared with us the list of sandals she has her eye on for the summer - and recommended pedicure polish colors to match.

"After spending eight months in boots and socks during a seemingly never-ending winter in NYC, I'm SO excited to finally break out my favorite summer sandals and stock up on a few new summer must-haves," Carly tells us. Her pre-requisite to sandal season? " The perfect pedicure."

College Prepster-selected and MDC-approved, check out these great combinations, and share your favorite with us below in the comments!

Carly's Product Picks

Which of these pairings is your favorite? Tell us which you love!

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