The Busy Girl's Guide to Everyday Beauty

The Busy Girl's Guide to Everyday Beauty


Let's face it, our lives are busy. That means that our perfectly coiffed curls often times end up looking an awful lot like a messy bun, and we can live with that. Because as much as we enjoy a sultry smoky eye, we know it's not to be attempted daily. While we certainly don't mean to boast, we must admit that we've got everyday beauty down to a science. It's a three-part formula that serves us well and it will do the same for you.

1. Busy girls prep at night.

You lay out your clothes for the next day before you go to bed, so do the same thing with your makeup to save even more time in the morning. Makeup collections don't stay perfectly organized 24/7, but digging for your eyeliner is not a very pleasant way to start your day. Keep the makeup needed for your "everyday face" sorted out and easily accessible. Popped your mascara in your purse earlier today? Fish it out before you go to sleep and put it back where it belongs. Being prepared can save you precious AM minutes and your sanity.

2. Busy girls multitask.

Everyday beauty should be simple. Pick products that multitask. Face makeup should even skin tone, diffuse imperfects and brighten all over-and that all needs to happen in one step. That's why busy girls love BB cream. A touch of covers all of your complexion needs with ease. Cream blush is another multitasking cosmetic to always keep close by. Why bother with separate lipstick, eye shadow and blush, when one product can take the place of all three? Maybelline Face Studio Master Glaze is an everyday essential.

3. Busy girls get results.

Fighting with your complexion should not be a component of everyday beauty. Find products that work for you and stick with them. It never hurts to choose products that can back up their promises with clinically-proven results. Dry skin types can put their faith in Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream Intense Hydration . The extra lightweight formula was tested in extreme conditions and the results showed significant improvements in visible dryness in just seven days. Any product that works in one week definitely gets the busy girl stamp of approval. Oily skin and acne-sufferers demand the same results. with its combination of benzoyl peroxide and micro-exfoliating LHA has proven itself against the leading acne prescriptions in multiple clinical trials. When it comes to your skin, don't settle for anything less than the best.

What does your everyday beauty routine look like? Tell us in the comments below!

Photos: Thinkstock

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