Meet Shannon Mahoney of Thistle and Honey Floral Design - The Bride's Cafe

Meet Shannon Mahoney of Thistle and Honey Floral Design - The Bride's Cafe


Hi Guys, Happy Monday and I'm sharing our "Meet the Designer" series a day earlier this week...I'm so excited to have the beautiful and talented Shannon Mahoney of Thistle and Honey Floral Design, stop by the cafe today to share a little of her world with us!! Shannon's floral designs are truly beautiful....and I enjoy following her INSTAGRAM page....make sure to give her a follow!! Shannon designs gorgeous florals for wedding and events in the greater Sacramento area, as well as Napa wine country to Tahoe. Shannon shared that traveling and visiting new places are her favorites, so please make certain that you add Thistle and Honey Floral Design on your "must see wedding artist" list!! Enjoy!!

What's a typical day like for you?Describe your client?TBC:

SM: One of my favorite parts about this job is that the day to day duties are ever changing. I am not the type of person who could sit at the same desk from 9-5 every Monday through Friday! My typical day consists of waking up to the sound of my chickens, ready and eager to start the day. I let my pup out and take her for a walk. Then I answer emails, make trips to the wholesaler, meet with clients, compose estimates and contracts. On other days I get to do what I love, and that is arrange flowers and make a big, beautiful mess.

SM: My client is someone who appreciates nature and has an eye for good design.They may be a little bit bohemian, but still want something that feels elegant.

What wedding trend would you like to see disappear?That's a tough one! All in all I try to advise my clients to try to steer clear of trends in general to ensure that they will have designs they can look back on for many years to come. Trends are popular for a reason, andTBC:

it is hard to not let them influence your decisions. Try to be true to yourself and choose flowers and ideas that are what you love!

To date, what has been the highlight of your career?In the spring of 2013 I took a To be honest, I can't say that I have had one "big break". I have worked hard and taken a lot of baby steps to get to where I am. So I am still waiting on that one :)TBC: Describe your design style.

SM: Garden-like. I like things to feel a little wild but still with intention.I go crazy for unusual elements and trailing tendrils and I love mixing big beautiful blooms with textural elements like berries and foliages.


SM: Flowerwild Workshop from

Kate Holt in Calistoga that absolutely changed my life. I met so many lovelies ladies from across the world all with a love of flowers - be it arranging,
growing or both! It really inspired me to take the leap into following my passion.

TBC: What was your "big break"?


TBC: When I'm designing, I love to light my candles and play "old school" music.Do you have a ritual that you like to do when designing?

SM: Oh! I love to light candles too. But I can't say that it would be considered a ritual because I almost always have them lit. I mostly prefer to design in silence, while sipping coffee. But depending on the occasion I do enjoy some music to set the mood!

My style is simple, I love neutral colors mixed with the occasional print.My favorite stores for myself are H&M, Old Navy, and Anthropologie. I am not a huge fan of shopping. I wish everything could just magically appear in my closet! My home is a little more funky than my personal style. I shop a lot at West Elm, Anthropologie, and antique stores. Sacramento has a great Antique Fair once a month that I have to limit myself on frequenting because I could come home with enough stuff to decorate my whole block!TBC: If you had to make a career change, what would you do?

TBC: Describe your personal style...what are your favorite stores to shop at?Personal as in your fashion style or your home.

SM: Please don't make me! But I guess if I HAD to, I would love be a farmer! I love to watch things grow and I love animals. Combining the two would really be a fulfilling career.

Do you prefer tea or coffee?Coffee please! Either iced in a mason jar or hot in an Anthropologie mug, with agave and a healthy pour of half & half. (Since you asked!).I'd say chocolate. I'm not a huge sweets person, though. I much prefer a cheese plate over a sweet dessert.And, I have to ask...what's your favorite flower? Just for fun:


SM: Do you prefer blogs or magazines?


SM: Foxglove. It has been for many years. It always reminds me of fairies, I have no idea why. Its just whimsical and wild and beautiful.SM: Both! Blogs are great because they are constantly being updated and are so accessible. There is also something so lovely about holding a magazine in your hand. Its tangible, and seems so much more permanent.

TBC: Chocolate or Vanilla?


Shannon, thanks so much for stpping by the cafe today...we love your work and it was AWESOME having you visit with us...visit Shannon's blog here!.....and thanks to Nicole Dianne for all of the beautiful images!!

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