LOOK: 'Game Of Thrones' Red Wedding Cake Is To Die For

LOOK: 'Game Of Thrones' Red Wedding Cake Is To Die For



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The "Red Wedding" was without a doubt the most shocking scene in "Game of Thrones" history, so it's about time someone made a wedding cake dedicated to the "oh-no-they-didn't" moment.

(Story continues after photo.)

Yes, HBO and "Game of Thrones" teamed up with UK chocolatier Choccywoccydoodah to make a chocolate and rum raisin "Red Wedding" cake for a special GOT screening event in the UK.

The bakery spent 20 hours crafting the masterpiece. "We decided to create a slaughtered cake, rather than a red cake," said bakery founder Christine Taylor. "The daggers, swords and arrows were all created from chocolate. We also included a cracked shield of the two families in the episode; House of Stark and House of Frey to symbolize the fact they are now at war."

Not only that, Maisie Williams -- who plays Arya Stark -- showed up for the cake's unveiling with sword in hand (classic Arya), clearly ready to avenge her brother and mother's tragic deaths. And possibly to eat some delicious cake.

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