
Untrue Beauty Myths - Beauty Myths and the Facts Girls Must Know

There are so many myths and arguments about beauty. As girls who are created as the most artistic creature, we should know how the fact of those myths is. Moreover, we should pay more attention to our physical appearance. Here are ten myths and the facts about beauty.

1.Cellulite can be removed Untrue Beauty Myths

Girls must be so annoyed if there are cellulites on their body. We who have cellulite especially on "visible" part of our body often try many ways to remove this fat.

Cellulite is actually a kind of fat that is trapped inside our skin. It might be because of either genetic factor or other factors such as pregnancy. Thus, cellulite is not always because of obesity. The fact that is said that it can be removed is also wrong. Until now, there hasn't been found any way to remove cellulite. We only could prevent it by using hand-body lotion.

2. Cutting Body Hair can Make it Denser Untrue Beauty Myths

This issue is also not true. Cutting hair has no relation with the growing of new hairs on our body. In contrast, to keep our body clean and healthy, we should cut the hair on certain part of our body such as on our armpit. Further, cutting hair is a better choice than taking it off. Taking armpit hair of even can cause breast cancer.

3.Petroleum Jelly Helps to be Anti Aging Untrue Beauty Myths

This is WRONG. Petroleum Jelly actually only helps our skin to keep moist. Yet, it can't be anti aging since our skin must be wrinkled. Thus, petroleum jelly only helps our skin look brighter and moister.

4.Tooth Paste can Remove Acnes Untrue Beauty Myths

This myth is also untrue since tooth paste does not contain any substance that helps removing acnes. Acnes are very annoying for girls, of course. Girls must try anyway to remove or prevent it. However, tooth paste actually only helps you to dry the acnes on your face. So that, you can use it to recover your acnes but actually it can't remove the acnes.

5.Pores can be Understated Untrue Beauty Myths

We can't understate our pores. Girls often have problems which are caused by large pores. If we wanna recover our pores, one way that we might try is using mask. Yet, using mask only increases the elasticity and tightens our skin. It creates an illusion of narrower pores on our skin Untrue Beauty Myths.

tags: myths beauty, myths girls must know, untrue beauty

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