Meet Ashley Beyer of Tinge Floral Design - The Bride's Cafe

Meet Ashley Beyer of Tinge Floral Design - The Bride's Cafe


Meet Ashley Beyer of Tinge Floral Design

Hi All, I'm so excited for today's feature...I'm officially bringing back our "Meet The Designer" series back and I'm delighted to have the oh-so-beautiful and talented, Ashley Beyer of Tinge Floral Design stop by and share a little bit of her world with us!! It's so hard to believe that Ashley has only been in the "floral game" for little over a year....her work is GORGEOUS and I love her style!! Ashley designs beautiful wedding floral in Salt Lake/Park City, UT and she does travel, so give her a call!! Let's check out the lady behind Tinge Floral Design, say hello to Ashley Beyer!!

A typical day for me really depends on the week/time of year! You can either find me at the local gelato shop meeting with clients, at my home sending emails and working on proposals or working on flowers for an event or a shoot.TBC: What's a typical day like for you?


TBC: What wedding trend would you like to see disappear?

AB: I'd like to see peach and sea foam as a color pallet disappear. I think it's definitely pretty which is why so many brides gravitate towards it, but there are so many other directions brides can go! Also succulents, I love you little guys, but not for weddings anymore!

TBC: What advice would you give to upcoming floral designers?

AB: You have to keep producing work and to keep practicing. I'd also recommend to not get too involved in what everyone else is doing. It's easy to get discouraged when you are seeing other florists doing grand weddings in awesome locations, and think why not me? Social media is a blessing and a curse for this. You just have to keep at it. Give the people what the people want!

TBC: When I'm designing, I love to light my candles and play "old school" music. Do you have a ritual that you like to do when designing?

AB: I'm messy. Very, very messy. I like to listen to music sometimes, but I mostly just like to stand and arrange and listen to my own thoughts. I just get in the zone more than anything when I'm just focused on what I'm doing. If I'm listening to music though it's often Vampire Weekend, Florence and The Machine or the like. Sidenote, if there was a band that really was Ashley, it would definitely be Vampire Weekend!

TBC: Describe your personal style...what are your favorite stores to shop at? Personal as in your fashion style or your home.

AB: My personal style is classic and tailored with an occasional unique piece in there. I like neutral colors paired with brights, lipstick has become a must, and ankle boots are my go to. I think (like most people) you can always find me browsing the sale racks at J. Crew and Anthropologie. As far as my home goes, I don't like to shop at all one place. We have a lot of antique pieces mixed with more modern ones as well. I think West Elm has great stuff as well as Anthropologie. Even Target!

TBC: Just for fun:

Do you prefer tea or coffee?

AB: Neither, I like water with a lemon.

TBC: Do you prefer blogs or magazines?

AB: I think they both have their place. I think blogs are more effective at reaching a broad audience, but it's fun
to see my work in a printed magazine too.

TBC: Chocolate or Vanilla?

AB: Chocolate, I always think it's weird when people order vanilla anything.

TBC: And, I have to ask...what's your favorite flower?

AB: After months of ordering flowers for a year, I think it always comes back to ranunculus. It's the one flower that keeps me gasping for air! They are all so unique and come in the prettiest colors.

Ashley, thank you SO much for sharing a little of your world with us today...I'm wishing you a successful 2014 and beyond and keep "doing you"...we truly love your work!!

Ashley's image and floral images #'s 2-5 and 8-9 captured by Ciara Richardson!!

Floral image #6 captured by Green Apple Photography

Floral image #7 captured by Britt Chudleigh

Floral image #10 captured by Kate Osborne

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