After the Wedding

After the Wedding


You’ve been planning and looking forward to your wedding for so long. Probably months, maybe even years. What happens when it’s suddenly over? My first advice would be, start thinking of something to distract yourself. You might not realise beforehand how much the post-wedding blues will affect you but it’s actually hard not to get used to the constant buzz of enquiries and decision making in the build up to the day. Truth is, I wish I could do my wedding over again in slow motion- possibly with a rewind button. But since mine has literally just ended and I’m experiencing first hand the depression that follows, I figured it’s time to get the finger out and figure out what to do!

Branco Prata via Style Me Pretty

Thank You Cards

Opening your cards and presents can be an enjoyable way of lengthening the wedding experience. Organise your gifts and as soon as you can start writing cards while who gave what is fresh in your mind. Why not try to DIY your own thank you cards with a nice wedding or engagement photo? Alternatively send out some acknowledgement emails if you’re waiting on your official wedding photos.

Honeymoon Plans

If you are flying away straight after your wedding, a honeymoon is an excellent distraction. If, like me, you already took a week off for the wedding (or, eh.. almost two!) you might not be looking at going straight away so planning where and when to go can take some time and effort. But definitely enjoyable time and effort!

Concept Photography via Style Me Pretty 

Wedding Dress Decision

Start thinking about what you would like to do with your dress. There are many options- did you have an idea before the wedding of whether you’d like to keep it, give it away or sell it?

Display: If you have an empty corner in your bedroom, office space or wardrobe, why not display your dress on a nice hanger or even a mannequin? Have a feel good moment each time it catches your eye.

Alteration: Get it shortened so you can wear it again, or if you plan to have children make a pretty baby outfit or christening gown. Alternatively there are other options you can use the material for such as a pretty sash, cushion covers or bed throw

Charity: If you don’t plan to make use of your dress and envisage it sitting gathering dust somewhere, why not consider giving it away to a good cause? Here are a few options for charities to donate your dress to.

Trash the Dress: Get one final wear and say goodbye to your dress, plus a chance to have some more photos with your groom! Here’s one of our favorites, an extra fun trash the dress idea.

Boudoir Shoot: Another opportunity for some photos, this time for your groom’s eyes only. You might not need to wear the whole dress but definitely bring it as a prop, along with your wedding accessories and any other lingerie you have planned. For more ideas see our post on bridal boudoir sessions.

 Caroline Herrera Dress via Jose Villa

Try Something New

You need something to fill the gap that your wedding has left, so why not use this opportunity to take up a new hobby? You could learn a new language or skill (in my case, I may learn how to cook..) or continue the DIY streak you might have started before the wedding if you enjoyed it. Another idea is to try something with your new husband that you’ve never done together before. Go to the theatre or take up a new sport, or if you’ve just returned from your honeymoon why not plan ahead for a weekend break- maybe to somewhere relatively nearby that you’ve always meant to go?

Erich McVey via Once Wed

 And now to take my own advice.. easier said than done?!

The post After the Wedding appeared first on Fly Away Bride.

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