Laura’s Glamping Hen Do: Australia and India in Dorset!

Laura’s Glamping Hen Do: Australia and India in Dorset!


It seems such a long time ago now, but back in April we all gathered together to celebrate Laura’s Hen do in true glamping style!!

Laura’s family (Mum and two sister’s) did an amazing job of researching the venue and entertainment for the weekend. With 20 girls to please they had their work cut out! They chose Caalm Camp in Salisbury, Dorset as the venue. An amazing place full of traditional Mongolian Yurts all equipped with their own wood burning stoves and surrounded by stunning countryside!

The whole weekend was planned to perfection with drink, food and activities scheduled throughout each day.

Travelling to Salisbury in Style

We set off in the coolest blue camper courtesy of Kent Campervan Hire. This was a complete surprise for Laura. She had no idea what we were up to for the weekend let alone how she was getting there. I (Kelly) had a little practice driving the camper beforehand but I soon realised reverse parking could be an issue, so after a lot of screams and shouts from Laura we ushered her quickly into the van with a lot of luggage in tow (that’s what happens when you don’t know where your going – she packed for literally every possibility!!) We held up an entire street of cars but they seemed pretty patient watching us trying to ram everything into the camper. If you are looking for a camper to travel in style to your festival wedding then give Kent Campervan Hire a shout. They bent over backwards to make sure we had everything we needed for the weekend. We popped the champers and were away!! (no drinking and driving took place)

DAY 1 – Good Day Mate!!

Anyone who knows Laura is aware of her huge passion for travelling! A born nomad and wanderer she is always planning her next adventure. So it seemed only right to theme her glamping hen around her travels and passions!!

When we arrived on the Friday evening we were greeted by a lot of screaming hens wearing cork hats and drinking fosters, a relaxed Australian style buffet and lots of drinking games!! Oh dear oh dear……

Laura got straight on the grey goose……….and wine………and numerous shots that were put into her hands! The highlight game had to be the knicker game where Laura had to guess which hen had bought or given her a particular pair of pants. For every one she got wrong she had to put on her head and drink and shot!! Messy business especially because she got quite a few wrong!

We also had the rather embarrassing Mr and Mrs game where Bob showed off his true acting potential with a rather hilarious video.. I’m afraid we can’t show it as it was a little risqué and involved some nudity!! Hilarious!!!

All the hens retired to their yurts, lit their fires and giggled themselves to sleep!! Girls are so excitable when put in a room together…

DAY 2 – India….

After showers and a cooked breakfast (yes this is glamping!!) we all set off on a lovely walk in the beautiful fields surrounding the campsite. We came across a very chilled fishing lake where men were gently relaxing into their morning sport, only to be greeted by a mass of noise that could only be likened to a swarm of bees… A cackling bunch of girls who no matter how many shhhhh’s, just couldn’t keep their traps shut!!

We returned and surprised Laura with an Indian themed activity.. a bit of Bollywood dancing. (Shaking her thing is another passion of Laura’s!) Everyone nipped off to their yurts to get dressed in full on Saris. All us girls looked fabulous and made such an effort!! The dance teachers arrived and the bubbles flowed…..the routine was upbeat and fun to learn and at the end the whole thing was caught on video. This was a really fun activity for all the hens and really bought everyone together. After the dancing the sun really began to shine so everyone enjoyed an Indian style buffet of Samosas and bhajis outside.

After a chill out the hens got ready for the evening….an Indian at the local curry house and then the cheesiest club in town!! We dressed Laura up to the nines whilst we all posed as her bodyguards…men in black style! Of course the transport was noisy and hyper as we had a way to go from our rural retreat into the nearest town (Poor minibus drivers- we killed a few tunes!)

So what an epic weekend of fun packed activities, loads of laughs and girly chats!! Lets just say Monday was really hard work….

Thank you to all Laura’s Hens and to Laura’s family for planning such a fantastic weekend. Memories to last a lifetime!! xxx

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